Folks, especially mods, given the length of this one thread alone, I am not sure anybody in the dev team has involved a QA team to shoot the app to crap, so they could find all the bugs. I am also pretty sure there was no usability study, given even the web version of the inbox is a really bad implementation that doesn’t allow you to resize columns, or search properly, or resize the input field, etc… (it hard resizes upon your input and is limited to six lines.) This is not how one does web programming these days. Even five years ago this would have been considered abysmal (and they were on reactive layout back then). If you are doing this inhouse - please outsource at least QA, but more importantly UX.
Also, given the obvious lack of UX knowledge in the dev team, please make things available for testing to everybody, and listen to the feedback. Some things don’t need changing. And a web app does NOT need to look like a phone app. Actually, it just shouldn’t, it’s really bad design.
And I am only looking at the web version, not the apps (not using them), but what I read is horrifying. First and foremost things must be working, and given technical rules must be adhered to by the software. An error in that regard is not a glitch. If somebody can be double-booked or not apply, or not read things, this is a serious error that should have been eliminated in QA. You are dealing with paying customers.
I personally also consider the whole of the website very outdated, much too fragmented to be nicely usable, contents split up with no discernible semantic linking, like it was done randomly or at a whim, and I don’t even see the sitter side of the coin. That could and must (after so many years it’s been so bad) be improved.
But having faulty functionality is definitely a no-go. People here are paying for the platform to work.
PS: Btw, in the forums, resizing is not a problem (well, vertically at least), so I wonder who’s making the decisions and why.