Introducing myself to the group

Hi I am Tina I am new to the Group on the Welsh borders. I have two very well behaved house trained Newfoundland’s and would like to know more about THS so it allows me to go on holiday with peace of mind knowing my babies will be loved and looked after

I do hope I have written this in the right section if not apologies

(Edited to meet posting guidelines about advertising for sitters on the forum)


What beautiful dogs you have! Welcome to Trusted Housesitters and the Forum!


@TInaC What gorgeous dogs you have! Welcome to the forum. We are in Gloucestershire, so maybe not far away from you depending where on the welsh borders you are.

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@TInaC You might like to check out this thread from a couple of years ago about sitters and giant breed dogs


Hi @TInaC they are absolutely adorable and what a great photo! Thank you for sharing :dog::heart:

You might be interested to read an article I wrote titled Newfoundland Dogs Affectionately Called “Newfies” Have Their Day for National Newfoundland Dog Day. :paw_prints::blush:

Debbie we are not far from Montgomery

Thankyou Debbie

Thankyou for you comments :grinning: