Is premium upgrade worth it?

I’m thinking of upgrading to premium because I want to see sits as soon as they come out and get notifications for them. I’m a standard sitter now. What are the benefits to premium?

This has been discussed ad infinitum here on the forum. If you do a search you’ll find several threads.

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Main reasons for upgrading to premium are the two airport lounge passes and the cancellation insurance. For us it was $45 to upgrade for a whole year and we always use the passes so a no brainer. This year we also successfully claimed on the insurance so for us it has been well worth it. There is differing opinion though so as @Smiley says, read the full threads with the spyglass and that will help. #premiumperks


That does not make a difference.

THS may say “instant alerts” but that is not true. There is a delay of about 7 or 10 minutes.


It’s misleading advertising by THS as they have previously confirmed on the forum that the alerts only come out once an hour - not instantly as advertised.

So I wouldn’t recommend updating just to get the alerts .

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