THS inbox is getting its wires crossed : I thought that I was writing to a HO with whom I have a sit in a few weeks. Turns out that my e-mails have been going to a different HO with whom I sat a few weeks ago. Luckily it was all good stuff and more of a pain than anything else. Be careful when you send communication through the THS site - it may not be going where you think that it is !
Thank you @toreishi for highlighting this issue .
I have experienced receiving e-mails from a HO who was not intending to message me - it happened on several occasions. It was someone we had sat for previously.
I assumed it was user error - (like we had similar names and owner got muddled up ) but then the e-mails sent in error disappeared completely from the inbox (and as we know you can’t delete e-mails from inbox ) I know I wasn’t imagining it because I had replied to a couple of the emails and my replies are still there -
So it seems this was an inbox tech error similar to what you have just experienced as sitter messaging an owner. I didn’t report it to anyone at the time as I had initially assumed human error by HO and I hadn’t screenshot the messages as I didn’t expect them to disappear from the inbox.
Now my replies to the owner look very odd-
@toreishi If the messages are still showing in your inbox you could screenshot and send to THS to report the issue . E-mail
Good to know. Thanks for the heads up. Even more reason to use other platforms to communicate.
Is this an issue you’ve flagged to membership services? THS should fix this.
Wow, the brand-new messaging “system”. Staggering!
After all, this is a 100-million-GBP company where the software is the main tangible asset.
Wow! This should be an “all hands on deck” priority fix!
Sitters and Owners who have Sits coming up soon are having trouble communicating on the THS messaging system??!!
Is this the death knell?
Hello @toreishi
Just to let you know I have sent you a DM so if you could please keep a look out for this, thank you.
Just trying to keep this information at the top of the Forum so that people are aware.
Has anyone else noticed anything wrong? We don’t have any Sits pending at this point, so I have not been sending any messages.
Typically I use other forms of communication anyway. I only use THS platform to apply and for initial communication.