I’ve been waiting for a reply to a time sensitive email for more than 37 hours now. No one has replied to me, but I have been sent an automated message, asking me to rate the nonexistent support I’ve received from THS. Go figure.
Frankie is useless in this scenario, no humans are available (according to Frankie), and there’s no queuing mechanism on the ‘chat’ to hold for an agent.
Is this the standard response time for customers now, whether premium or otherwise? Are other sitters and owners finding that a similar waiting time, or lack of reply from THS has been the case?
Email response times used to be so fast. What’s happened?
I’m a premium member, if that makes any difference at all. I strongly suspect that it doesn’t.
A few weeks ago I got a response from emailing @support within a few hours, I think it just depends, sometimes it’s faster than other times. However, a while ago I sent an email and didn’t get any response so had to email them again, which got picked up quite quickly, so I would do that, send another email to them.
Thanks, I’ve emailed again and Frankie claims to have sent a message too, but unfortunately the turnaround time means that it’s now too late for them to be of any help!
@Pips if the issue is Urgent you can call the Urgent Support Phone line which is available 24/7 .
The number is on your dashboard .
We used this number to contact member services for advice on making a cancellation claim when our host had to return early due to sustaining an injury on holiday and so the sit was curtailed.
The information doesn’t seem to show up in the android app (unless I’m missing something glaringly obvious?) and it’s not listed in the help section either, where it would actually be a great deal of help.
Oh well.
Thanks @Silversitters - you’ve been more assistance than the support team have managed to be!
I’m so sorry you were left waiting on a reply to your time-sensitive email. I can see that the team have picked it up and they’ve responded to you, I hope they’re able to help you with the concerns you’ve raised.