I may not be the typical (if there is one) housesitter in that I prefer to do a longer sit and then come back home for a while. My ideal would be roughly a month away and a month home.
I just completed my first sit that was 28 days in a beautiful area. I drove there (700 miles). I will say that is going to be my outer limits of driving because that was a solid 10 hours in the car. My next sit is only 4 hours away and 10 days duration. I just booked a 5 week sit in NYC that I am so excited about! And finally I have booked a 7 week sit in Canada for the fall.
I am newly retired and this has been a dream come true for me. I just went through a breakup of a 6 year relationship and what wonderful medicine this has been! It has given me so much to look forward to and I love choosing the schedule that works for me. I just want to encourage the new folks to decide what you want out of this and you can make it happen! I have had plenty of rejections but I figured they were just not situations that were right for me and kept on applying. Now I am thankful for some of those because it has allowed me to be in places that I know I am going to enjoy 
Welcome, so pleased to read that house and pet sitting is ticking all your boxes and putting a smile on your face. Yours was such a lovely positive post. Good for you for living a life that makes you happy, is seen as a bit different, but is clearly working for you.
Here’s to many more happy moments and memories for you to enjoy having no doubt worked very hard both professionally and emotionally for many years.
All the best.
Hello @Jts125 and welcome to the forum!
I’m so happy for you, a month in NYC (where in NYC?) and autumn in Canada where you can enjoy the fall colors, should be fabulous.
I, too, have to pinch myself sometimes that I’m living this life. Just like you, I came to house and pet sitting later in life. I branched out from the US and have been sitting in Europe as well, although I’m still primarily US-based. Have to run now, as the cutest Pembroke Welsh Corgi is waiting for me to take him out. We’re going to take a walk to Nyhavn today (in Copenhagen).
You can add your profile to your forum profile. This will help us know you and give your profile more exposure. It doesn’t seem that you need any suggestions for tweaking it, as it is obviously working! Here are the instructions for adding it:
How to add your listing or profile to your forum profile
The best to you!
Hi @Jts125 I have to add my thanks and thoughts to those of @mars and @Daisy999
Thank you for sharing your new beginnings and it’s so inspiring to see you living your dream … I have also driven long distances to sits, in Canada over 1000 klms and in the UK just 400 miles but with traffic and the roads flying to the West Coast of Canada would be have been quicker
but at the end of every drive is a welcome from like minded community members, authentic experiences which are never the same, the joy of having new furry companions and in places we might otherwise never see.
A lifestyle choice enjoyed by many of us, we are so glad you have joined our community and living your best life … we can’t wait to share in more of your adventures.
I also need to comment on your upcoming sits … 5 weeks in NY & 7 weeks in Canada!! Amazing @Jts125 I was privileged to be chosen for a 6 week sit in NY it was a very special sit, I love NY and return whenever I get the opportunity.
That sit also gave me new friends because I have become firm friends with the members, regularly sitting for them in their San Diego home and staying on as part of the family.
Where are you sitting in Canada? Home is Vancouver BC and sitting is the best way to explore and discover the second largest country in the world .
Exciting beginnings 
Hi Angela, we are almost neighbours! Living along the Fraser River 
For the New York sit I will be on Long Island just outside of Queens.
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I will be sitting near Edmonton.
Hi @Peonie19 where are you? I refer to BC as home because it’s the home of my heart, but for now Scotland is where I “hang my hat” and for landscape and views it’s pretty close to being home.
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I’m housesitting in Normandy at the moment.
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Are you driving to NY? If it is within the city, parking is EXPENSIVE. Check to see before you go if it is in the city.
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No, I will be flying to NYC.
Welcome @Jts125. I think that’s the beauty of THS. There are so many different length sits from a day to months that sitters make it work for them. Some use THS for holidays (vacations), some are full time sitters while others like me are part time nomads (or digital monads in my case working remotely!). It’s about finding what works for you.
Good luck with your travels.
If you ever want to consider a month in the Uk. We like to go visit our family in Australia around January or October time. Please save my listing! Lynne 
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