No. of sits/No. of sitters counter

I still find the navigation of the THS site to be less than intuitive, but some time ago there was a counter that kept track of the number of sitters I’d had as well as the number of sits. Obtaining these statistics did NOT require paging through reviews or history and counting. The totals were displayed.
I can’t find this counter now, can’t find an answer in the “Help” section at the top of the site (which, by the way, has the same name as the chat function at the bottom of the page…maybe rename?)
Where is the “no. of sits/no. of sitters” counter? I would expect a statistic such as this would also be helpful to sitters: “No. of sits/no. of homes”

This sounds like a terrific feature! If it’s something that the programmers removed then it should be easy for them to reinstate…

Hi @AnneOak I believe you are referring to total number of applications which used to show on listings this is no longer a feature and has been replaced by the 1-5 applications.

Hi Angela,

No, this was a counter that kept track of the total number of sits (I, as a pet owner, had) as well as how many sitters (since some sitters came more than once). It was a powerful tool that I used to convince others to join THS.

Where did this counter go? Yes @ACLRJM it was great! Bring it back, programmers!


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Hi @AnneOak thanks for the correction, I will need to check with the team to refresh my memory as I’m not 100% sure which counter you’re referring to.

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I find a counter such as @AnneOak refers to on the app only. When I open the app, my dashboard shows the number of past sitters I’ve had, and then below that it shows the number of sits I’ve completed. I do not see such information on my dashboard when viewing it on the computer. Hope that’s helpful.


@AnneOak is this what you are referring to?

@sledgejoyce, thank you! I find the dashboard on the app to be somewhat lacking as well as a little weird (sliding over to see things calls to mind another app–which I don’t use-- to “swipe left,” etc!) I just don’t use it much.

This is what I was looking for. I do think it should be on on the website. But for now, this is great. Thank you so much.


yes, responded to sledgejoyce’s comment.

More on this. It seems that the count may not be accurate. At least the first sitter and sit has been left off the statistics. Now not sure whether there may be other sitters or sits that are missing. Would request a review of this feature. Also, would be helpful to have the statistic on the website as well as on the app.

I have posed my specific situation (providing the name of the sitter who has been omitted) to the help desk.

@AnneOak Thank you for reporting this to the help desk as they can get the tech team to look into this further for you.