Hi all, I searched all the posts from this year but don’t see this problem mentioned:
I just had an awesome sitter and left her an appropriately awesome review. I was waiting for her review so I could post a response (one last opportunity to say “you rock”!).
I previously always received emails prompting me to leave a review and letting me know when a review has been posted.
I have not changed any of my settings
This time… no emails, no notifications via the app on my phone. When I finally saw my sitters beautiful review it was too late to post a response (I can’t remember how long they give you. Anyone know?)
It’s not a huge deal but… given that response is an option, I am bummed to have been denied the opportunity to continue the lovefest and have my response show up under my sitters review (which was so lovely it brought tears to my eyes… aside: grateful that there are so many truly wonderful people out there )
Not looking for recommendations on settings, just wondering if anyone else has had this problem or is it just me?
Thank you grazie धन्यवाद gracias merci danke どうも