I have read numerous posts in this forum where it is mentioned that as a homeowner a red flag is raised where a review has not been posted for a previous housesit completed by a the applying sitter.
Can someone tell me how to detect those ‘missing review sits’ as I can only see submitted reviews for the sitter NOT the list of all house sits that they have done and to which a review might not have been posted.
Any sitter that has completed a sit for a HO on THS will show up as a past sitter on the HO’s listing, regardless of wether they left a review or not. Just scroll through the reviews on the listing and if there’s one with a sitter’s name but no review it means they were a past sitter who didn’t leave one.
Not leaving a review doesn’t necessarily mean there’s a red flag, people may have just forgotten or been too slack to leave one. However, personally I would stay away from listings where 2 or more people never left a review (unless there are many other reviews and they are all 5 star, probably meaning that those 2 people were just slack).
When I see missing reviews I go to the sitter’s profile and check if there is a pattern. Sometimes you see they didn’t bother at the beginning and started reviewing later on or there is a high proportion of reviews missing, then it doesn’t really matter to me. It could be like that sitter who gave 4 stars in all categories because the house was not a mansion. Some people just write a review if the sit is perfect for them. I don’t need a “perfect” sit and the sense of what’s perfect is not universal so I try not to go too far reading the “emptiness”, especially if it’s after blind reviews were implemented.
Sure, but it is very difficult for an HO to find those.
THS makes it difficult (practically impossible) to see for an HO how many missing reviews a sitter had. They may look like a new sitter while they had done several sits where the HO decided against giving a review. It is a major safety issue.
I think some people may be overthinking this. A missing review from a sitter here and there is not a pattern. People can’t control whether or not other people write reviews. With the new system, it’s also entirely possible to miss the review deadline.
That said, as a sitter if I saw no reviews or very few I’d be suspicioius. Just had a chat with a lovely homeowner with only 1 review. We were talking about a future not posted yet sit as I’d applied too late to an upcoming one. She asked whether or not I “needed” to do it through THS. I explained to her the benefits to me of going through THS. I think a lot of hosts just aren’t paying much attention to this stuff. Doesn’t mean there is anything wrong with the sit, and you can always bring up concerns on a chat. (As a host, I’d be more concerned with a sitter claiming to have x number of sits and not having reviews.)
As @Silversitters said, you can only see that on the app. You just open a listing and right after the introduction, you have the section “sitters and reviews”. You open that and you have all past sits. You will see the name of the sitters and the dates of the sit, if there’s nothing else, it means that the sitter didn’t write a review. Otherwise, you will see the general star rating, category rating and written review. If the sitter is still active on THS, you can select them and it will take you to their profile and the review that they got from the owners, you can them go from sit to sit and check if they usually review or not and what type of review they usually write. It’s a bit time consuming but I usually check, especially if the absence of reviews is significant or if it was before the blind review system.
The trouble is, like in our case we had a fantastic sit in spain were we have stayed in touch and they have come over to see us ,but they never renewed there membership before the sit finished ,so couldn’t leave any feedback . I do think that if a sit is in progress or completed a review should be allowed member or not. Maybe something THS should look at
By pattern, I think they’re referring to sitters who have a pattern of not leaving reviews. For example, the HO is missing 3 reviews and you check those sitter’s profiles and notice a pattern of them not leaving reviews for any prior sits. I would disregard those 3 missing sits. However, you notice 3 missing reviews from sitters that always leave reviews, then I’d assume those sits are leaving a bad review with their silence.
This is a unique scenario that THS should be addressed. If a HO or sitter has a confirmed sit that ends after a membership is cancelled or not renewed, the system should automatically adjust the sit end date and notify both parties. As a sitter, I’d dislike to be on a confirmed sit with a former host. Would I still have access to the welcome guide, if something goes wrong where do I stand, etc.
You would have to do a lot of research to notice that, though. Not easy.
I would like a feature that tells me about the number of sits vs. reviews sent vs reviews received.