Removal of Inactive Sits

Hi @Liffy99

Apologies that we have not got around to fixing this issue yet.

We recently have been prioritising bug fixes based on the number of times the issues occurs. i.e. Can’t load the App or issues with the welcome guide being the most recent issues we fixed. These have taken priority, apologies for this.

I will provide more details in a product update over the coming weeks.

Thanks for raising the issue.


Thanks Ben, and hope you had a great holiday.
Sure, I appreciate that some problems take priority, such as an inability to use the website or app at all. I wonder though, given the number of suggestions members make via the Community, whether we should be able to decide what gets prioritised ?
For example, you might list the suggestions that are technically possible, but not vital ( which would automatically take precedence) and have a poll, on the Community, to determine which are the most popular to be taken forward.
Potential ?

Hello dear Trustedhousesitters Community,
Could you maybe add a recycle bin / delete function for the inbox and for the Archive?
So that i can delete all my AKTIV AND INAKTIV SITS messages in the inbox and I can delete the messages in my archive, if there are too many or if i receive inappropriate messages. A simple delete function must be possible
That would be really great.

Thank you

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The inability to delete old inactive conversations has been an annoyance for many years now. I have repeatedly asked for this to be sorted, but it has not been done. I can assure TH that this is a considerable annoyance to many.
I entirely endorse all that Liffy99 has been saying over a long time and in particular in his message on 8th September. I would add that my wife and I have been TH members for many years.
You have said it is not a priority - please make it one.

Hi @antandjules
Just to let you know that one does have the ability to archive ‘inactive members’ from your inbox, but only through the App.
(I have taken the liberty of doing this for you, so you inbox is looking a lot clearer).
Unfortunately, at this moment, there is not a way to archive ‘inactive members’ who are in your ‘favourites’ on the website, but our tech team is aware of this.
I hope this helps.
Best wishes

Same old response unfortunately . . .

With so many “bugs” would it not be easier to start again from scratch?

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TrustedHouseSitters - please note that if data keeps accumulating for members to the point that we cannot find the info that we need to effectively USE your product, the app and website will eventually become unusable.

Hello, @phillips99 welcome to the forum community and thank you for contributing your feedback. It is invaluable to hear what members’ needs are when using the website. This feedback is passed on to the Product Team. If you need help archiving any old messages via the App then please let me know.
Thank you, Carla


The THS algorithm surfaced this old thread to me, because I was in another thread about this question. The latest is, the new THS inbox allows us to archive old messages from now-inactive members. Check your inbox on the upper right for “Manage.”

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