Review Request ignored

Now that there is a star rating for HO’s communication, you could ding them in that category. I just did that for a HO who didn’t contact me after they returned home, but was very responsive before then. I left before they returned (by agreement, one easy cat) and wondered if everything was OK. Two weeks later, after a couple of reminders, I finally received a reply and my review. Considering how fast they responded before and during the sit, I knew they checked their devices frequently.

Thanks for the advice everybody!
I also did check and they have left one review before for a sitter they had in the past, so I was hopeful they would leave one for me as well… But in the future I will definitely not just click that button to ask for a review, but also include another direct message to them… maybe this will help in the future!
But it is a little bit comforting to hear that this sometimes happens (unfortunately)… and I think if it wasn’t about getting my first review on this website ever, I wouldn’t have been that upset anyways…
But yeah, thanks everybody!

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@katyo I understand your disappointment. We would have felt very disgruntled if our first host hadn’t reviewed us .

It’s possible that there is a genuinely good reason why they have not done the review in time . ( for example they have been dealing with a sudden serious family emergency)

If they do get back in touch you could ask them if they will provide a reference. Then send the e-mail as you did for any external references you have .

At least that way you will have something back for your efforts .


We always leave our review as soon as we an so would not know we were not going to get one from them when we write ours.

Our communication star refers to communication before and during the sit

I usually do my review soon after the sit also. However, I waited in this case when I wasn’t getting responses from the HO. I wanted to consider the post-sit communication in my review.

@katyo Since the new system came into play prompts are supposed to be sent to both host and sitter. However if a host does not have their notifications switched on, or if they don’t write a review in the first few days, its always worth sending a reminder. Reviews are so important for sitters and its the least a host can do- to write a review- after a sitter has put their heart and soul into the sit!

P s I just read your responses to others and saw you did send a reminder. So that is very lazy and/or disrespectful from them not to make the effort to write you (I am sure) a well deserved review. I would suggest, in future, that you wait till you are notified that the host has reviewed before you give yours. Then if they don’t bother to review you can decide if you want to bother either. Some hosts, especially in popular areas, really don’t care about reviews- they’ll always get someone. But most sitters do care very much as its our only reward going forwards.