Review window closed question

I just recently completed a lovey sit in Scotland a few weeks ago, and gave the HO’s a glowing review. Anyway, they hadn’t responded or provided a reveiw of me. Since we became friendly naturally i was a bit concerned so long story short, yesterday one of them privately messaged me and informed me they’d been very sick with illness since returning and apologized for the delays in reviewing me and instead put the review of me on their reply to my review of them which is obviously the wrong place. The window to review me had already closed. My question is there a way of rectifying that? Or copying it on the proper review format? Curiois minds would be grateful to know.


I think the only way to do it once the window has closed is to send them a link and ask them to do you a reference.
After a few days I sent request asking if they could complete the review, it could be short, I just didn’t want it left blank.


I had sent them a request right after, but they were quite ill as the Ho had relayed to me and didn’t get to it.

Pretty miserable they couldn’t spend 2 mins writing a nice review - I find it hard to believe they were bound to the bed 247 for 2 weeks solid
They were more than happy to have you looking after everything for free though


They wrote one a nice review, but it was in the reply window on the review I wrote of them. They’re seniors and have health concerns so I’m not blaming them.


When I ask for a review, I emphasise that there is a time limit but that the text can be very short.

It is fine when an HO writes: “Perfect! Welcome back!”


@Catgoddess_99 I would contact Membership Services and explain the situation, including screenshots of their messages and the reply they gave to your review. Hopefully MS would then agree to transfer it to your reviews.


Contact customer support, via email not the chat. Let them know the HO was ill and had intended to review, but missed the window. And include the response they left and communication. They might be able to add the review. It’s worth a try. Had a review changed after posted to correct an error made by the HO, so it is possible.


Nobody is doing something for free here on THS. This should just not be tolerated longer in the forum when a sitter is writing something like this.
This is an equal exchange of services.

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I just wanted to pop in to say respect, kindness and non-judgement towards all members is important to note. In line with our forum guidelines
Much appreciated.


I just sent them an email

Thanks and that’s exactly what i just did :grinning:

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Unfortunately they were no help, and said it was too late, but it seems IT could make an adjustment and at least copy it. It’s a bit frustrating the way the system works sometimes.

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@Coclico You seem to have a problem with everything and shouldn’t be here. Sitting is a PAID JOB. We are sitting voluntarily in exchange for staying in a place we want/need to be.

I ended up sending them a nice note with a request for a reference instead. Thank you everyone for your input.


I did not get any email “nudges” to leave a review as TH promised, and am not used to the two week window restriction. I have never not left a review before, and now feel terrible. There is no email or phone contact for TH I can see anywere, on the website or internet, that still works. Can anybody share contact info that works?

The email is

thank you!

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I agree… I feel like there are some exceptions to this rule especially in situations like yours … I compleated a 2 month sit right when they put the new 14 day review window in. place. I submitted my review fir the homeowner in day 8 … On day 13 the homeowner contacted me to ask if I was planning on leaving a review and I told him , I had. Upon checking the site, my review wasn’t there . I was on an extremely busy schedule that day but made sure I resubmitted My review 2 hours before midnight that day … M y review wasnt accepted as the 14 day cut off time was midnight CENTRAL time and I’m in Pacific time zone… Considering there was not any clarification of the time zone in reguards to the 14 day review window I felt that TH would be able to correct the situation , post my review and add time zone to rules so this wouldn’t happen to other sitters living on west coast. I was told that there was no way they could fix this as the website had been programmed to not accept any changes … Really?

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I believe they’re are always exceptions to every rule, and THS should bend a little and be more accommodating. One of my HO’s wasn’t aware of the 14 day window as they had never received communication from THS and they’ve been using the platform since it’s inception.