Selecting heart icon on sits

I select the heart icon on sits I’m interested in and want look at again. How do I access a list of the sits I’ve selected to review?

Hi @sjmckay this post from our Help Centre will help explain …

“To see your favourited sits, go to the Favourites tab on the bottom toolbar. Notifications are only available on the app, so you won’t get them on the website”

The Help Centre has the answers to your membership questions and much more.


Hi @sjmckay and welcome to the forum! All those pics of you with the furballs sure look like they are happy you are with them!

Thank you for joining our community forum. You are going to find it is filled with answers to most, if not all, of your questions and enquiries.

My name is Debbie and I am one of the forum moderators, as well as a sitter member of TrustedHousesitters. I was an owner member for three years and have now moved over to a sitter membership, so I have insight into both sides of the memberships.

I am hoping this info will help you find your way around the platform and interest you to join in the conversations. It can be a little daunting and confusing at first, so we included this handy guide

How to use our Community Forum |

Our members are connecting every day and the forum is a great place where you can get to know one another. Please take a moment to introduce yourself About the introduce yourself category - Introduce Yourself - TrustedHousesitters Community Forum by giving us as little or as much info as you prefer. If you are confused on what to say, we have some great suggestions:

  • How long have you been a member of Trustedhousesitters?
  • Where is your home location?
  • As a sitter, please share with us where you prefer to sit (dream location, bucket list, etc.)
  • If presently on a sit, tell us about the location and the pets you are caring for.
  • Share pics of you, your own pets, or pets you have cared for or are caring for.

Also, you may want to link your member profile to your forum profile for additional exposure when you are using the forum. To do so just go to How to add a listing or profile link to your FORUM profile

We are always here to help, so please don’t hesitate to message us with any questions or concerns.

Also, can I just ask how you came upon the forum and decided to join? I am always curious as to what drives someone to a certain site.

Have a great day!

Debbie – Forum Team Moderator


What about finding them on desktop? When I click favorites, all I see are messages, but most of the listings I didn’t message, I only clicked the heart so I could see them later. Please help!

HI @meggoose I’ll tag @Therese who will pick this up for you when she is back online.

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I can see my favourites (listings) on desktop/website. I click on my name → Favourites, and it goes right there. FYI, the left side selects “My Favourites” and it shows the 3 listings I’ve hearted (two are sits, but one I haven’t even applied for). On the left side is also “Inbox,” so maybe that is where you’re at?

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Hi @meggoose
To mention the favourites differ from App to Website, and it is easier to scroll through them under Favourites on the App. On the website, all your Favourites will all be there, but in no particular order, so a little harder to see if you have favoured many listings. Any favourite that you have emailed in the past will have a date on the right hand side of the message. If you have not emailed them yet, the right hand side of their block will be blank. As you have many favourites, you will need to go through several pages to see these.
I hope this helps. Therese

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