A standard for the eastern US is the red cardinal. Usually hangs around the same feeder as the blue jay, but for me, the cardinal is much prettier.
Capybaras are very large hamster looking rodents that bark like dogs. Run quickly for very short distances, completely harmless.
Capybaras that had escaped a Toronto zoo had the city enthralled a few years back. Those things are huge!!
Yes they are! 33-65kilos
They roam here freely undisturbed.
Thanks for sharing @Amparo! I did some temp work at an office many years ago which was at the centre of a city zoo, and I always loved seeing the Capybaras on my way to and from work!
Not as impressive as some of the previous photos in this thread… But I did find him quite cute, chilling out on our gate in Bangkok.
Molly finds a tiny garter snake. A rocky area near the lake where I see snakes daily. One sniff, one bark.
I thought I’d share the latest from my Dad’s hedgehog cam… as you can see this is a very strange looking hedgehog
Beaver returned, damming up a big culvert. Creek water rising. Removed a big log loosely sitting on top to open a channel. Wait for city public works to remove the dam mud and sticks.
Video of first discovery:
Thanks for sharing @DavidZ081 - that sure is a strange-looking beaver biting at those twigs
Some of the wildlife from Mum and Dad’s garden! These squirrels are so entertaining and so clever! They seem to recognise us and aren’t shy of watching us watching them from the conservatory!
Sheep keep the Tangamanga park grass trimmed, San Luis Potosi, MX. Camped here for a week (days only) in perfect, cool and dry weather. I am about half way around my 7 mth Big Loop road trip.