Survey about referral program

I tried sharing this with THS support but the chatbot doesn’t know what I am talking about and suggested I post in the forum. I am trying to fill out the survey THS sent about the referral program, but on the last question where it asks me to fill out my email address I’m getting an error message. It says: “Must be a value greater than 0” and it will not let me submit the survey.

Is it just me or are others having this issue?

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Same issue. I just entered a number to submit.

@theenglunds @meow thank you for letting us know and I have reported this issue to the Marketing team.

Same here it asks for an e-mail
Address but when you put one in it says it wants a number … not an e-mail address
I gave up

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Just tried today, getting same thing, couldn’t submit :person_shrugging:

I saw the same. Entered my THS User ID number so that it could at least be traced back to my profile. I emailed support around the same time this post was raised in the forum and I received a response within a hour that the appropriate team was notified.

Not sure when an update might be made for those who complete it then see this.

Smart cookie, @TD052023 :wink:

I just filled the survey in and my email address was accepted so it looks as if the glitch has now been resolved :heavy_check_mark:


Good one @Colin :raised_hands: I just went back in, all my previous responses were there so I only had to add my email address and it was sent fine. There’s always a resolution hey :grin:

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I don’t think this survey has reached Down Under yet :laughing:

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Hey @temba, only got mine via email yesterday in Vietnam so I don’t think the system knows I’m out of the country (Oz) :rofl:

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