Tea or Coffee?

They sell cans of Cafe du Monde chickory coffee in the stores. I’ve seen it in World Market and H Mart.

@ExploreDreamDiscover - while at LSU, I was president of the LSU Union. I got to participate in the coffee tasting one year when we selected the coffee to be served at the Union cafeteria and other outlets. We sampled a few different brands - dark roast, light roast, and chicory. I don’t think we sampled any decaf but that was about 50 years ago.
We selected Community but that was what were used to.

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I tried the Luwak Coffee when I was in Bali too, but I was not a fan haha. Such an interesting coffee process though!

@Carla I am a big fan of hot chocolate too! :heart:
Hubby just tried a mushroom coffee for breakfast in Amsterdam this morning, we have never seen this before but he loved it!

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One of my HO adds a packet of hot chocolate to his coffee — mocha. It’s got the sugar and milk in it.


@mars sounds interesting… I have never tried this but as they say there’s a first time for everything! :slightly_smiling_face:

I had to share this from our visit to Tea House ‘Het Kleinste Huis’ yesterday in Amsterdam and it is actually located in the smallest house in Amsterdam! The tiny building from the early 18th century is located in the heart of the city centre and houses the largest tea collection in the city.

If anyone is heading to Amsterdam I highly recommend tea and apple pie here but you will need to book in advance because they only have the one table! The host is also excellent, he gives an extremely informative narrative of the history of the building. :slightly_smiling_face:

They also sell this very beautiful tea called Butterfly Pea Tea, also called butterfly tea, blue tea or blue chai. The result of the tea is very special, the blossom colours the water beautifully blue. If you then add a little lemon or lime juice the colour changes to a beautiful magenta. :magic_wand:

Plus I almost forgot to mention, if you make this tea and pour some in to an ice cube maker you can then use the beautiful blue ice cube in the glass when making cocktails! :cocktail:


Tiptop Tea in the UK make wonderful loose-leaf teas and their customer service is amazing. Duncan has personally taken my tea to the post office so I have received it the next day.
My favorite is their Earl Grey. I like it so much that I ship it to the US if I use up my stock purchased in the UK .

@Expat6 this looks great… thank you for sharing :slightly_smiling_face:

I add a little bit of Butterfly Pea tea when I make Lavender mint lemonade so it gives it a pretty purple color…it’s pretty tasteless on it’s own but has many other health benefits.


@Kelly what a great idea! :+1:t2::slightly_smiling_face:

A nice single malt does it for me :joy:
But really breakfast tea, mid morning coffee, afternoon tea ( assuming we are not in the wilds with a pooch).


Wow @Samox24
I am definitely going to head there in March … thank you for sharing.

My husband would have loved that too! He is always into trying speciality teas and coffees.

@Therese There is just too much choice in there!! So many teas :sweat_smile:… I’m sure you will enjoy your visit there. :slightly_smiling_face:

I just tried this Sneker Latte whilst in a place called Sneek, it is creamy milk foam with a shot of espresso, avocado and chocolate… an interesting combination! :sweat_smile::+1:t2::slightly_smiling_face:

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Looks delicious

This looks interesting, I think I will have to give this coffee a try! :slightly_smiling_face:


@Samox24: Are you in Italy now/soon? Now I’m wondering: How far ahead do you plan your trips? Do you already know the 40 countries you’ll visit over the next 6 months? :rofl:

Let us know how the olive oil coffee is! I eat olive oil each day with my oatmeal. Mediterranean diet for longevity and all that.

My drink choice is currently instant decaf. Or green tea. I’ll probably alternate days.

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@geoff.hom currently Netherlands but might be in Italy soon, sometimes I plan our travel ahead but I also love travel on the hoof, you never quite know where you will be from one week/month to the next! :joy:

I will certainly try the olive oil coffee, I certainly enjoy the Mediterranean diet too with olive oil on bread with tomato for breakfast :yum::slightly_smiling_face:

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