I’m the HO, I had a couple here 9/1/21 to 10/8/21 . They were wonderful, but now it seems neither one of us confirmed the sit,and they can’t move on and I can’t leave a review. How can we confirm the sit after it is over.
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Hi @MT98502 thank you for joining the forum and we can certainly help with your issue, thank you for being a caring and considerate host in wanting to be on top of your sitter’s review … which is so important. I will tag @Therese who will pick this up for you when she is back online.
Thank you again and I hope you will explore more of the forum and share your experiences as an owner with us.
Angela and the Team
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Thank you,hope this can be resolved.I really want to leave the sitters a great review.They were wonderful. Mavis Tuttle
Hi @MT98502 I will look into confirming this sit for you and email you from membership services. Kind regards Therese
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