What are you grateful for today?

My wife fell yesterday during that damn pickleball and broke her wrist bone and needs surgery.

I am grateful that we have the material and nonmaterial means necessary to get through this together with supportive friends and family (in about 12 weeks to a year🙃)

And totally grateful for our health and life lived thus far!


That is why we are so moved by kindness!
Because it is rare!

I love this stuff :two_hearts:


@HelloOutThere Wishing your wife a speedy recovery!


Thank you Carla. Every good healing vibe is welcomed and APPRECIATED.


I am grateful for my strength :muscle:
Also grateful for my natural affinity with animals, which has been reaffirmed through this website. I am grateful to have animal company more often than not these days, although I haven’t had a pet of my own in the last 20 years. :heart:


Very grateful for my kind, loving and supportive husband. We’ve been married for going on 30 years and together for 33.

Also grateful for my beloved late mother-in-law, who raised him and his siblings on her own for many years after her husband let her down. And for her late second husband, who took all of her kids into his big heart. He was wonderful to those of us who married into the family as well.


I’m grateful to live in a pet loving, generous community. Two weeks ago Ventura County Animal Services (VCAS) put the word out that they needed the community’s help to buy 200 Kuranda Dog Beds ($170-$225 each). All 200 were purchased by members of the community, within 36 hours.

This week they put the word out for a “Build a Bed” day, as a huge storm is approaching and they wanted the dog beds in place now! About 75 volunteers came, armed with tables, wrenches and electric screwdrivers and assembled them in 1 hr 45 minutes.

The hardest part was not going home with a couple of extra dogs.



I feel grateful today for being in good health condition, and for the occasion being my birthday. Although we somehow did a mini celebration last Saturday because today is a workday for me, I feel appreciative of my wife for remaining by my side and making me feel special not just on this day but on a daily basis.


I am glad to see that so many people are participating in this. I hope you all have a safe and sound life.


@Nansitter Happy birthday!

Still grateful for everyone who spreads positive vibes here.


Grateful for beautiful days on the Mall in D.C., especially for the National Gallery of Art.


Grateful for the spring vibes here in Ireland


Grateful for a cosy flat on a chilly day here in Scotland, and also grateful for the yummy doughnut I have for a snack!


@HelloOutThere It is becoming increasingly common not to cast for long periods of time after reconstructive wrist surgery due to the problems caused by long term casting. Apparently minimal casting followed by careful use of a post op limb leads to better healing. My best friend had a complex wrist fracture and surgery and healed beautifully. She was only casted for two weeks. Then in a sling and now not six weeks later is back on track with just some exercises she needs to do for full recovery. Good luck.


Thank you for that. Good to know inadvance.
Surgery is Friday.
We are going to get some reiki hopefully prior but post for sure.
And tons of arnica!

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I am grateful in advance for the people who care to respond to my request.

Please post goofy/funny pictures of your pets or pet charges. Or leave a funny joke. Or Dad joke. Whatever you’ve got.

My family is going through an unspeakable tragedy as we speak. I need to think about some lighter subjects for a bit.

Make me laugh or smile?

Cat vs microwave 😹 | Proof that child locks work on cats as well 🔐😹 | By Furry Tails | Facebook?

Reminds me of two cats I just sat, along with a year-old pup. The cats were “ruthless” about breaking into cabinets and otherwise stealing food, as their humans described them. They were totally accurate! The crafty cats were funny and lovable, though. Grateful I got to know them.


Hi @anon42826925 - I’m so sorry to hear that.

Here’s a snippet of my Dad’s garden camera showing the two hedgehogs that live in the little house which you can see just at the back of the video.


@Jenny Your Dad built them a house? How sweet. Are they a couple? Will there be a little hedgehog family?

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