I get why they do it (to encourage communication, particularly for newbie sitters) but for sitters not new to the scene, it’s annoying. I just ignore them & wish there was a way to turn them off. It would also be helpful if there was an option to select that you don’t wish to receive unsolicited invites unless you have favoured someone’s listing.
I find them super annoying.
Also don’t like them, find them patronising. Yes for newbies but agree with @Nagy26 they need a “turn off” option. Have only had the one above and not the “It’s 2 days to your sit” one that’s also circulating apparently. #turnoffbuttonplease
Patronising! Like I’m a paid employee! The owner picked us because we’ve got common sense (among other things).
Plus, some owners only want an update every few days or even once per week. So why stress me out, and make me think I haven’t updated them, when I have. Rant rant rant! HUGELY ANNOYING!
They make you feel inadequate! Once again, they’ve messed up and focused on the rubbish sitters, instead on the good ones. We’re in our 50’s and 60’s, it’s like being back at school!
The rubbish sitters need a reminder, that’s the point. There are some rubbish ones out there unfortunately
Usually they come when I’ve just done it or plan to do it. So it is kind of satisfying to say in my mind «check!»
Can they create one for pet parents too? “Do not arrive home early prior to the listing end date”
Would be good to send a notification reminder to hosts after the sit has finished “don’t forget to leave a review “
I don’t seem to get these - not that I’m complaining!
We usually give daily updates via text to HOs, so I just ignore these reminders.
Are HOs getting any of those reminders or do you only get them if you have an alert search activated?
Are you on a sit now? Have you set up a search alert?
I got the first one last week on my cell phone, two days before my sit started. A bit compelling “confirm your arrival time now”. As @Garfield said, I had confirmed the time before accepting the sit, and reconfirmed it before the “command” arrived.
Ah, sorry, I missed just how recent this has been introduced. I have a few saved searches but my most recent sit finished about 10 days ago, so probably before this was introduced.
Here’s the easy solution!
@HappyDeb and how much time was spent on ‘fixing’ this issue when other stuff could be done.? Priorities seem upside down
This sounds quite annoying, I’m glad I don’t use the app!
But isn’t that what the reviews system is for, to discourage/weed out sitters who don’t do what would reasonably be expected of them or is agreed with the HO, rather than spoonfeeding sitters who would otherwise get marked down for poor communication.
“How’s your sit going? Have you fed the pet recently? Make sure it’s not dead!”
Which is what I do @Crookie!
Ignore. I have no need for them. But if they help some sitters, I’m in favor of that. Better for hosts and their pets.
Definitely annoying for the experienced sitters, but might be useful once or twice for newbies then enough!
What kind of messages do owners get?