What Do You Enjoy Most About Pet Sitting?

Looking after a house and pet can be one of the most enjoyable ways to experience new places, while hanging out with some super-cute new friends but what do you love best about pet sitting and why?

Making new animal friends

Meeting new human friends

Becoming part of the local community

Travelling to new destinations

Discovering unexpected places

Having company when you’re away

Staying in a home, not a hotel

Meeting different kinds of animals

Read what members like you said >>>>

Photo courtesy of @Julie & Jonathan, currently sitting in Sydney Australia - we were going to ask you to guess where they are sitting but thought the wombat (stuffed toy) might give the game away!! :sweat_smile:

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The most beneficial thing about this to me is bringing us to places we may not have considered had we been planning a typical vacation. One of our most special experiences was a two month sit in Nizwa, Oman. Not only would I have never thought to visit there, even if I had, I’m sure it would not have been for two months. It stands out as one of my most treasured travel experiences. Other places like this for us were Cyprus, Fiji, Qatar


The creature cuddles are the only reason I do it. I can’t have pets of my own with my current lifestyle and I miss them. So I like being able to play fun aunt with some furry ones.


I cannot have my own pet yet and I am so happy to be able to help out others and live in a different place for a short while


Animals friends. The most important part.

The change of scenery is nice too, but it doesn’t have to be far away from home to be interesting.
I kind of like micro-exploring… getting to know the immediate area around the home I’m sitting at.


I enjoy caring and interacting with the pets, exploring new or much-loved familiar places, and, very important for me, helping the HO to get away so that they can visit their families, friends, or fulfill their travel dreams. I feel good that they return to a home and pets that have been loved and cared-for. As a volunteer, in a way this is my societal contribution.