I’m trying to contact member services about an unexpected cancellation and all I can find is a chat bot and a list of FAQs. I’m beyond stressed right now and need to talk to an actual person. I’m also fine to email someone if that type of contact exists.
There used to be a list of phone numbers at the bottom of the website and now I don’t see anything.
If this question has been answered before feel free to direct me. I tried, but honestly am panicking at the prospect of being out quite a lot of money.
Hi @CoolCatAunt
I am so sorry to hear about your cancellation. It is always upsetting and disappointing.
If you go to your dashboard, scroll to the very bottom, there will be emergency numbers there. They are really there for extreme pet/sitter/owner emergency cases. I would suggest that you email support@trustedhousesitters.com and they will help you. If you are a premium member, it might be worthwhile looking at the following link:
Alternatively, if you need to speak to someone, go onto the chatbox and ask to speak to a human.
Thanks Therese,
That’s what I needed.
This kind of query comes up so frequently and most often when a member is already in a stressful situation ( sit cancelled/ sitter cancelled etc ) and has already spent time trying to navigate the website to find the answer themselves .
Idea for improvement: It would be really helpful if the support e-mail address was shown at the bottom of every web/ app page .
Thank you for the suggestion @Silversitters we have passed this along to our product team.