Who's on a house sit now? How's it going?

@toml Great pics and Great reviews (83!). Thanks for sharing. Your 50/50 split time is where I want to be. Retirement changes everything.

One dog admiring a statue with 2…
South-West of Ireland


Enjoying a sit east of Vancouver in Maple Ridge. 2 lovely cats - one apparently is a nervous Nelly but we wouldn’t have known if we weren’t told - both cats have been very engaging and curious. The drive from Calgary to Vancouver was lovely.


We were fortunate to get back to nack sits. First is a 14 week sit on St John with this cutie. When we leave here we have a sit on Tortola for 7 weeks. Hopefully we dont get blown away in a hurricane.


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This is Masie who I am looking after until tomorrow.

Fun, and what a nice-looking salad plate!

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Hi all! My name is Countess. Currently on a house sit. Started a week ago and this is a 3 week sit… 2 dogs - a 16yr old rat terrier (Layla) and a 3yr old rescue chihuahua (Voldermort). 2 very different personalities.

But i noticed something odd last night with the 16yr old - Layla. She’s half blind & half deaf and has a weak bladder; so the owners have been using puppy pads which go well most of the time. this is the odd part: she’s been circling/making herself dizzy and unable to walk or stand firmly continuously since last night. She doesn’t do this any other time during the day or otherwise awake and engaged. I looked it up on google and it said there are many causes, but anxiety could cause this if there has been a sudden change in their normal routine. This is the 1st time these dogs have been left with a sitter while their owners travel.

Is this common or should I reach out to the owners? I’m hesitant because i don’t want to alarm them without cause. I did add a t-shirt from the owner to her dog bed. She is sound asleep now… Should I still alert the owners or should I not worry about it unless it happens again?

Thanks and happy sitting

Can you get a video on your phone and send to the owners. I doubt it is anything serious, but I’d still let them know. It may be a behavior that has happened before and they can tell you how they dealt with it.


I’m on a repeat sit in the SF Bay Area for a sweet, older kitty, for three and a half weeks. I love how slow-paced and relaxed it is up here. Would happily return again and again.


Indeed. I will do that… Thank you @toml

It was overcast and thundering on July Fourth in our part of Florida. So we walked amid that, as well as fireworks. My sweet sit girl did well.

Her family said she usually tucks her tail and shakes when it thunders, but she stayed calm with me. She was alert while we walked and I’d reassure every so often with pats and tell her I wouldn’t let anything happen to her.

When we got home, she stayed close and zonked out. This morning, she reveled in the sun and smells.

Meanwhile, at home across the country, my husband says our dog kept running around looking for places to hide as he heard fireworks. That’s how he is every year.


How is Layla doing now, @TheCountOnMeSitter? Were the owners any help when you sent the video?

Hi Jenny.
Spoke with the owners and it seems this behavior is normal for her. She has arthritis in her hips and when she’s tired this is the result. I was instructed to increase the dosage of her joint suppliment and if this continues or worsens for an extended period of time, to let them know and they will decide if a vet visit is necessary. I tried sending a video (my phone was acting funny) but the owner said it really wasn’t necessary.

Love having a whole community of support.



Thanks for letting us know @TheCountOnMeSitter - I’m glad she has such a vigilant sitter and that her owners have been able to advise and give you next steps.

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Arrived in Aberdeen, Scotland this week, and sitting with this little cutie!


Second sit on the NC coast - 2 weeks in Morehead City with a view - this sit has a big shaded back porch overlooking the Newport River/Harlowe Creek.

Sitting with Jacko, a 15 year old Coton de Tulear who traveled with his folks back from Germany, where he was born and they were stationed. He shows his age and is on multiple meds - 5 pills in the morning and 5 in the evening. And he doesn’t like pill pockets or peanut butter and his tastes change. I have a drawer of various cold cuts, cooked meat, and cheese curds and vary the ‘wraps’ each day. Yesterday morning cooked breakfast sausage, today thinly sliced honey baked ham pieces wrapped around each pill. It helps if I microwave each treat for 5 seconds or so! He has allergies, a heart murmur, Cushing’s disease, and a narrowed trachea. But he can be home alone so I can explore.
He is a sweet little dog who sleeps most of the day and night. Cotons are named because when they are untrimmed they look like cotton balls and Tulear because that is the city on the west coast of Madagascar where the breed developed. Jacko doesn’t look too much like a cotton ball because he was trimmed the day before I arrived.

I arrived while his folks were away but having a stranger in the house didn’t bother him.


NC coast is a great spot this time of year. Cute pup who seems like a sweetie!

Had a break in the rain, so popped out for a walk along the seashore. Loved watching the heavy mist roll in at the end of our adventure.


Oh what a sweetheart

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82kgs combined of German Shepherd in rural Incikoy :tr::heart: Meet Dillon & Bella