Would love to filter out countries when searching

Hi and apologies if this has already been flagged.

I would love to be able to search for sits ‘Anywhere’ - but exclude the USA (no offence to my US friends :slight_smile: )

Is there a filter option planned to exclude countries from an Anywhere search ?


I wish there was also, @DianaUK. I can’t take the risk of sitting in the USA due to border visa issues and also because travel insurance is so high travelling to both USA and Canada.

Best way is to look at Map view after entering the travel dates and pet preferences you are looking at and then zero in on areas you are looking for. It’s tedious but works.

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Yup. The search function is fairly antiquated.

Thank you Ziggy.

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And change “⇅ Sort by” to Newest - that makes it less tedious.

Otherwise you are wading through all the “Low application” sits before you get to the good stuff.

You can also save the map searches and get alerts for new dates.

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