Zombie listings

I’m curious about zombie listings, those where a hosts lists a sit with dates, details etc. sitters apply but their applications are unread. The listing remains visible but may change to under review when 5 applications have been received, then nothing else happens.

Does THS monitor this type of listing and contact the owner? Or, do they remain on line until the sit start date.



It’s a bit of a mystery but those owners who don’t read or respond to applications are in the minority. I very much doubt that THS monitors them and will certainly not contact them for this. It’s just one of those annoying things


Yes, it is irritating and it wouldn’t be difficult to code a procedure to contact the owners and if there was still no response to remove the listing. I use other volunteer websites and some of those are plagued with zombie listings.

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That is true for loads of things on THS. For example, it would be a trivial programming task to add a legend/key to the calendar, or to unify the two different profile links.

But they do not dare touch the code, by their own admission:


Hello, @pietkuip I looked into this for you and Ben has explained that his quote was referring to the old inbox code, which is now being rewritten and was not a general comment about the whole site’s codebase.

They are working through lots of updates and new features to the site and the Forum team will post about them when we know more. Sorry if there was any confusion about Ben’s original comment, but hopefully that clarifies it a bit more :slight_smile:

However, feedback and suggestions are always welcome!

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