Advice for HO with Multiple Pets

Hi @MEMcDME. I’m sorry that the previous applicant didn’t work out. I’m still wishing the best for you!

I think your listing still looks good. Though again I would change “Vehicle” to “Car” in the headline. After all, the TH tag is “Use of car included,” not “Use of vehicle.”

As Christmas sits go away, I feel the momentum shifting to HOs. Here in Dallas, there are many fewer sit options now, so that bodes well for you.

After Christmas, perhaps Membership Services can help you boost again? I don’t check TH social media channels; were you able to be promoted there? Can you ask Angela to do it again?

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Thanks @Timmy! I did try posting it on another site for house sitting listings a while back but did not have any luck there either :frowning:

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@geoff.hom Thanks for your advice as always! Yes, I really hope I can get a bit more interest as the holidays pass. I’ll definitely ask Angela if she can promote it. I don’t have any social media so I was not able to check if they posted it or not before.

Thank you SO much for your help everyone!! I just confirmed a lovely family for my sit. I am so, so thankful for the advice and continued support over the past two weeks.


Hi @MEMcDME that is such excellent news … Team work makes the dream work!!

Happy holidays, Happy New Year, safe and happy travels :evergreen_tree: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :evergreen_tree:


Hi! I’m new to this service, and our situation is such that I’m not sure there’s a Trusted HouseSitter that does cares for this many pets on a sit? We have an additional requirement that the sitter be a single person with no guests in the home while we are away. We would like to plan some vacations in 2023 and need someone to live here and take our dogs out 3 times a day including one longer walk a day, plus love, cuddle the cats, and take care of cat litter, feed everybody 2x a day, while keeping the house clean with our automated vacuum/mop Roomba, (with so many animals, the cleaning need is more frequent.) It’s kind of a lot of work, but we live in one of the cutest towns in Catalunya, near the resort town of Sitges, 5 minutes by bus or drive, bus stop right near house, truly a sweet sweet spot, great walks among vinyards and woods – it would be perfect for someone looking for a retreat-like time. Pet care/maintenance/house stuff takes up about 4 hours a day, I’d say. Dogs can hold for 8 hours at a time so sitter can go out when s/he likes. We also have a backup walker who could be engaged at times if sitter needs a break. I’m just wondering, do any of you also have this many pets, and any advice on looking for the right sitter?

Hi @vyt
A big welcome to the forum. I am sure you will get a lot of advice from our members here.

Sitters sit for so many different reasons, and I really am very sure you will find the right fit.
When you have joined, on your listing, it is important to put all the information (as you have written here) and lots of lovely photos, There are many sitters who do not have a car, so it is a big plus, if you include your car, especially if you need the sitter to take the dogs further afield. All this helps so that the right sitter applies.

Once you have your listing up, do share a link to your listing on your forum profile for a bit of extra exposure. Members here can then comment and give advice about your listing. However, the main website is where ALL of our members will see your opportunity, apply, and communicate with you.

If at any time you need any help, don’t hesitate to reach out to our community here which is full of helpful members who have been through the process themselves and will happily give advice and guidance. And don’t forget, our membership support team is always on hand to give assistance.

All the very best,
Therese and The Forum team

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I’m wondering why you want a single sitter only? My husband and I sit together and often have multiple pets to take care of. To be honest when you speak of a 4 hour a day work load it would only appeal to me if I shared it with the hubby! Also much more fun to share the experience and have human company! We’re OK with no guests though. What are your reservations about having more than 1 sitter?


We are sitters and just finished a sit with 4 dogs and 2 cats, some with special needs. While that many pets isn’t for everyone, I don’t think you would have any problems based on that issue. In my opinion, the request for a single sitter would be the biggest obstacle. You will rule out a good number of sitters like us. No visitors isn’t an issue for us.
I’m sure you’ve got your reasons for a single sitter but if you reconsidered or figured out a way around it, you should have no problem finding a sitter!

We have done a sit with 3 dogs and 3 cats, one with special needs. However there were 3 of us - myself and my 2 sons. We’ve also sat for 2 dogs, 2 cats, 3 rabbits, 3 geese, 6 ducks and 7 chickens in one sit, but there were 4 of us to share the load.

Same here, we have sat various combinations of animals (2 dogs, 4 cats; or another time sitting 3 dogs, 3 cats, 2 birds, 7 chickens and 3 ducks). It is very nice to have a second person there for help/support. Sometimes, especially at feeding time, the animals have to be split up so as not to pinch each other’s food or start a fight, so it is imperative to have two people. Even if you think your pets are well-behaved, they might take chances with a new person, so 2 people would definitely help manage and just generally reinforce the rules. We also find, for house/pet/instruction details, especially when the written guide is not very detailed, if both people hear the information, it is easier to recall and recalibrate.

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I agree with the others. We are a couple and have visited your area many times. The number of pets certainly would not put us off. However, it does seem like a lot of work for a single sitter. You say ‘our’ which implies there are at least two of you sharing the work of caring for so many pets so why are you wanting all the work to be done by one sitter only?


I’d certainly consider your sit, once posted. I’ve done a bunch of many animal sits - dogs, cats, chickens, guinea pigs and multiple combinations of them. And I sort of know the area and would be happy to get back. Looking forward to seeing the listing when it is up.