Can we list both our homes at once

We have a home in the mountains of Colorado and one in the hills of Cabo San Lucas, Mexico. If we are looking for a sitter in Cabo, do we have to delete our Colorado listing? I am hoping that somehow we can keep both up. We travel back and forth at various times during the year.
Thank you for any help!

I don’t really know but I think you can have a combined profile and specify which info applies to each listing or active dates.
I recently reported a listing for two different locations which was shared by two sisters: totally different locations, different pets and responsibilities and, what I found unacceptable, different owners but only one wrote the reviews for both places. The first time I reported it they said there was no problem because one owner can have two different homes it was only when a forum moderator stepped in and we insisted that there were two different people and one person was writing the reviews on behalf of the other that they took the listing down and there are two different accounts now. That’s why I think you can have a combined listing if you manage both homes.

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Just please ensure that the correct property photos and details are provided in each of your listings and make it clear that you have two properties, so reviews may refer to one or the other. We once applied for - and were invited to - a sit in York, UK. All reviews related to the York house. Only when we received the Welcome Guide with property address details did we realise this property was in a totally area. When challenged, the HO said the listing was for their second home, that we ‘should have realised’, and became angry when we said we’d need to cancel due to her listing location error.


We have a few home owners that we sit for that have multiple homes. With that said, just make sure your current listing is the sit in which you are looking for a sitter. For example, just change out the Colorado pictures, description and title to the Cabo home and post dates. You can say you have both homes, but that the current listing dates are for Cabo or vice versa. We have seen some HO that post pictures of both homes and it can be quite confusing as to which is what home. So wouldn’t recommend doing this as it can lead to confusion, less stars on accuracy of listing, etc. Just change out the listing for whatever home you need for that time period and then once you need another set of dates and have a sitter confirmed for the original, then change it back.

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Definitely not sitters fault and we think it is frustrating too. HO need to take the time to make sure ad, listing AND welcome guide have the correct information!

One thing to note: it might be helpful making a welcome guide PDF for each home…then emailing it to the sitter for whatever home you might need for the listing dates. On your welcome guide, just include the basics that are the same for both homes…contact info, emergency contact, pets routine, food care, medications, etc. Might help to save all the specific home info for a PDF for each house :raised_hands:

I would suggest having two separate accounts for simplicity’s sake and to prevent miscommunications.
There are frequently discount codes for membership (online, on traveler’s channels on YouTube, travel newsletters, etc). :house::house_with_garden:

@Loreemezz, one solution may to have a THS membership for each property. This would avoid effort of updating property information each time switch location. Clearly involves incremental cost but if you have two homes then cost may be rounding error and may respect value of your own time (admin switching).
Question has some similarities to housesitter couples that seek to have overlapping housesits (e.g. two people can action two housesits for limited period to enable acceptance of listing) … perhaps relevant if longer term housesits where a day or two overlap is insignificant to broader objective. To my knowledge this requires two housesitter memberships.

I remember reading something like this before, and I believe the “official” answer was you’d need 2 accounts. The unofficial one which seems to work for most dual home homeowners is to just switch out information in the listing and do the listings one at a time as you’ve been doing. The issue for some sitters is that they want reviews from a specific location and the location changes in the review every time you change your location.


When this was asked previously- this was the answer that was given

Have you tried contacting member services ? ( THS don’t read the forum )


Perfect! Thank you both! Will contact the email provided. Have a wonderful New Year!