Different versions of the Trusted Times Newsletter being emailed to owners and sitters

@Vanessa_A @Angela_L @Ben-ProductManager
Why are there different versions of the Trusted Times newsletter being sent to owners and sitters? Specifically, sitters are getting a more detailed explaination about the recent huge changes where it’s hardly mentioned in the owner version? Why isn’t THS sending the same version to all members? It’s seems you are not being totally transparent to your owners, many of whom are still clueless about this change that impacts them greatly.


I’m a sitter member only so can’t really comment about differences. What surprised me was the description of how this will improve HO and sitter experience. Somehow I do not think this will improve my experience. What, in my opinion it does for me ,is to make the whole process clumsy, rushed and more like a job of work, as opposed to a leisurely look at what sits are available being able to research the area travel etc.
My judgement of this so called improved system will come in a few months when my membership is up for renewal.
Cheers F.


Could you confirm whether members all receive the same Trusted Times or does the homeowner copy differ from the sitter copy?
Many thanks
Please note this is a repeat of the request I sent this morning.


I think I read something elsewhere on the forum that the issues are tailored to specific areas. I am still unclear whether there are different versions for sitters and homeowners as well.
Exactly how many versions are sent out?
I arrived at a new sit yesterday and the homeowners have never received a copy at all despite signing up for emails and were totally unaware of the recent changes to sitter applications or their new title of ‘PP’.

I queried why I wasn’t getting newsletters a few weeks ago and as a result I adjusted my settings to “allow all marketing” which presumably includes newsletters as I couldn’t see any other settings to amend. I see from a post today that the newsletter has been issued but to date I haven’t received anything. Can you help please?

Not received mine yet but sounds like it contains more of the same and no mention of the new ‘benefit’ of pausing applications.

I have not received one either.

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Could you confirm whether members all receive the same Trusted Times or does the homeowner copy differ from the sitter copy?
Many thanks

I received it today via email for the first time in nearly 3 years of membership, only through the help of a moderator. I’m a sitter & owner so can’t answer your question @Twitcher but only got the one email.

Disappointingly in the newsletter there is scant information about the new pausing listings after 5 applications as it’s merely mentioned under the article heading SITTER APPLICATIONS: A STEP-BY-STEP GUIDE. It is the 3rd article sandwiched between fluff articles. Clearly not that important!
Here’s a screen shot of my email

The entire article is about processes but no mention of why this new change has come about. So for home owners & sitters who are not forum members or who are one of the many who never get the newsletter by email they are still clueless to the change or the reasoning.

These very disappointing communication methods make THS look like they are trying to hide this change from members.

Thank you for the update. I arrive at a new sit on Wednesday and have another scheduled for Xmas. It should make for some interesting conversation over supper as neither are aware of their new ‘benefit’.

It seems to be yet another inconsistency that I have come across on the site. Why on earth can’t the newsletters be uploaded to the website if it is impossible to ensure that they are issued to all members whether HO’s or sitters? As for the lack of information / feedback, well… that has been a major disappointment to me since joining in May. Feeling very disillusioned this morning and any recommendations for THS that I may have made are now firmly on hold!


Interesting that yours seems different to mine. I saw this.

More inconsistency?


Not sure. But mine definitely looks different to the one above. Maybe because I’m only a sitter, not a ‘Pet Parent’. Which is interesting :face_with_monocle:if that’s the reason.


What!!! It looks like owners are being fed different information to sitters!

@Vanessa_A @Ben-ProductManager why is my newsletter different to @Timshazz’s?


Sorry, but for an unknown reason I haven’t received any newsletter today.

@Crookie @Timshazz I have today’s Trusted Times in front of me and all it covers is Thanks for Your Rescue Stories and a link to Read Member Stories; Wanted! Your Funny Pet Videos (Get Free Months!); and the This Month’s # Trusted Tales Winner!! Definitely nothing about the 5 Application Pause! That’s 3 different versions being circulated to members - so far!!! Just what is going on @Ben-ProductManager ??? So much inconsistency in what is/isn’t being fed to members.

Sounds to me like their ‘comprehensive communications plan’ has gone haywire.

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Hi @lieve I’ll look into this for you.
Best Wishes


Hi All.
Just to let you know, that the newsletter has only been sent for Australia & New Zealand so far, and the rest of world goes at 5pm.
I hope this helps.
Best Wishes