Family from Durham NC., USA

Hello everyone,
I’m just thrilled to have joined this community. I learned about it many years ago, but finally signed up this fall. We’ve done 2 sits so far and each was wonderful! We truly enjoy the companionship of animals which make our time away more memorable. Roxy earned a warm spot in our hearts and then Nacho and Evie (along with Mango the cat that could not be forgotten) joyfully jumped in.

Taking the dogs for walks together has become a thing and something we wouldn’t do at a hotel. This has been such a gift to me and my family. I’m soo glad I never forgot about this community. Our last day is cleaning day where we work together to make sure every room is as we found it if not better.

My mom always taught me to leave a place better. I’m trying to teach my boys the same, at parks or homes. How can you make something better? This community is all about that. The pets are better, loved and cared for, the owners are better and at peace and the TH is also better having had a new experience.

Well just wanted to say thank you all for being a slice of goodness!! :smile:

Have a great day!!!


@Sarah619 hello and welcome to our forum! You are going to find some great folks here who share your passion for animals and travel and can answer most any question or concern you might have along the way.

I see you are in Durham, NC, USA. I am in Charlotte so we are almost neighbors! Where have your travels taken you so far? I am always curious about others travel adventures…and yours are even more adventurous since you are sitting as a family.

I see you have not merged your member profile to your user profile yet. You can do so here at How to add a listing or profile link to your FORUM profile - Owner & Sitter Exchange - TrustedHousesitters Community Forum. This will give you extra exposure to our other members who can give you valuable feedback.

Looking forward to seeing and hearing more about your new journeys!