Hello from Barletta, Italy

Hi, everyone. I’m Patty. In 2022 I retired and relocated from California to Italy. I just heard about this beautiful platform and recently joined. Since I sold my house and stopped adopting pets once my aging ones when to pet heaven (I have been planning to travel once retired for a few years now) I’m in the perfect situation to care for someone else’s home and enjoy the love of their pets!


Hi Patty @patritata,

Welcome to the forum we’re happy to have you! Where in Italy did you relocate to? Italy is by far one of my favorite countries and even after spending about two months there I still feel like I have’t scratched the surface. I would say the vast majority of our sitters for our dog have been retirees whose pets have passed on but they still love the the companionship and especially the walks that keep us all active. For us it’s been the best of both worlds combining a love of travel with a love for pets.

You may want to link your member profile to your forum profile for additional exposure when you are using the forum. To do so just go to How to add a listing or profile link to your FORUM profile

Where would you most like to visit first for a pet sit?

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Hello @patritata down on that lovely stretch of coast. My home is in Italy too, in Lazio. Always a pleasure to connect with others living la dolce vita.
Welcome to the forum & good luck with your adventures :hugs:


Hi Patty! Welcome to the forum and congratulations on your move! We love Italy; we were there for 2+ months this year and I was stationed there years ago. Like you, we didn’t adopt new pets after our last passed on as we knew we’d be traveling. We seriously considered moving to Italy/Europe (and we may still) but are nomadic for now. Benvenuta!

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Hi Patricia

You sounds lovely and I’m sure you’ll soon find some wonderful sits


Thank you, @Michael1. Appreciate the welcome message.

I really like living in Italy! Hope it works out for you as well.


Thank you @Saltrams for the welcome and the good wishes!!


Thanks, Kelly!!

I’m in Barletta, in the Puglia area.

Thanks for the tip on linking my member profile, I’ve done so already.

I just applied for a sit in Dublin over Christmas. Wish me luck. I really do not have a preference as to where my first sit will be (other than in Europe).

We will see what the Universe sends my way :wink:



Hi Patty, good luck for the sit in Dublin! I live in Ireland and it’s a wonderful place.

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Thanks! Have not visited Ireland yet and I’m very much looking forward to it.

Owner has replied with a request to video chat. I’m excited!

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Hi @patritata. Welcome and I hope your video chat goes well. Dublin’s wonderful! Do let us know how it goes, as we’re all rooting for you.

Before becoming “location independent” I lived in the Bay Area. @Kelly is in the other end of the state. Where in California are you from?

BTW, there was an issue with the link in your profile, so I fixed for you.

Welcome to our community!

Hi Patty and good luck for your Dublin application.
I myself am retired (74 yrs already) and I will catsit in Rome over the Christmas and the New Year. So much looking forward to that.
This is a fantastic possibility to find new life in life! Rome will be my 13th catsitting and I very much trust that when getting always 5-star reviews there will be more to come.
I really wish you success in this Universe!

Hello @JATTA. Welcome back to the forum – it’s great to hear you’ve got a cat sit in Rome over the holidays. What a great place to be at this time of year. Please let us know how it goes, and, of course, share some pictures. We love pictures! Many of us will travel vicariously through you this holiday season :grinning:

I liked the “location independent” term. I will use it from now on!

I got accepted for the sitting gig in Dublin. Thanks for fixing my link!

I lived in Irvine (Orange County) for a few decades and the last six years I lived in Eureka. So, I have lived on both ends of California LOL.

Thanks for the warm welcome!


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@patritata so glad I was able to help. And well done on the Dublin sit! You know we’d love to see pictures when the time comes.

Orange County to Eureka to Italy. That’s quite a series of changes! Good for you for trying different types of places.

Enjoy your holidays with your new furry friends!

Thank you, Jatta. Where are you currently based out of?

Have not had a chance to visit Rome yet. I hope you enjoy yourself there!


I live in Helsinki, Finland. And here we are soaking in the snow at the moment. We have had the snow starting 18 Nov and get more and more every day, temp is -5°C in my balcony. Anyway, it is warm inside!
I am really looking forward to going to Rome!
I hope you get to Dublin. Been there catsitting and found that very nice, though the cat PusPus twice brought a mouse inside :grimacing:!
Take care!

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very good ,welcome to you

Hello @JATTA and welcome back to the Forum :wave:t2::slightly_smiling_face:

Did you enjoy your housesit in Rome?
Do you have any photos you could share? :camera::cat::blush:

I live in Italy vicariously through this blog. Italywise.com.
It’s a country on our future list where hopefully using THS works out!