Hello, we are Jeff and Sandra - Our passion for travel has led us to sell almost everything we own and commit to exploring the world

We are Jeff and Sandra, married for over 40 years. As a veteran (Jeff) and former military-brat (Sandra), we have the opportunity to live or visit various locations throughout the United States, Europe, New Zealand, and England. For the last 20 years we’ve lived in central Oregon, the longest we’ve ever lived in one place! We moved here after Jeff retired from the United States Air Force and we have 2 grown children, four grandchildren, and enjoy exploring new places and golfing, kayak fishing, gardening and DiYing around the house. Our passion for travel has led us to sell almost everything we own and commit to exploring the world for the next two years, spending a couple weeks to several months in each country. While he (Jeff) is some-what retired, he is writing and documenting our global trotting adventures for our friends, family and followers, and I (Sandra) will continue working remotely, managing operations and marketing for a private company. Throughout our lives we’ve always had pets and had the privilege of caring for a range of animals including horses, chickens, cats, dogs, and tropical fish. We are excited about the prospect of caring for other peoples pets and homes and really get to know the communities we visit. We would love to get feedback on how to make our public profile more compelling and welcome your input!


Welcome @themobileretiree! I’m sure you will enjoy housesitting. As a sitter we find it a great way to enjoy a community and see what it is like to live there as a local. As a HO, we love having nomadic sitters, as they are usually quite happy for a 3 to 4 week sit and give our cat the attention he wants. If you ever are interested in staying in Rehoboth Beach, lmk, as we leave 3 to 4 times a year and I love to plan ahead when possible.

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Hello @themobileretiree and a warm welcome to TrustedHousesitters and to the Community Forum :wave:t2::slightly_smiling_face:

Wow! Your new adventure sounds exciting and it’s certainly a great to way to capture all of the beautiful moments by writing and documenting your adventures! :earth_americas::open_book:

I have attached a couple of threads you should find helpful

Also, remember you can use the spyglass symbol at the top of the page next to the TrustedHousesitters logo and search for any questions that you may have as they have most likely already been answered on here and of course if not then please just ask! :blush:


Thank you! we will be coming back to the states from time to time so I’ll keep an eye out for your sits! Let’s connect soon. We are in the midst of closing on the sale of our property so the next few weeks are little hectic so I might be a little slow in responding.

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Welcome Jeff and Sandra!

We did something similar when we both retired last September. We sold off everything and started our adventure primarily using THS to travel the world with a couple vacations in between. We are on our 11th sit now having started out in Europe. 3 in England, 1 Scotland, 1 Italy, 2 Spain and 4 in New Zealand. In between, we’ve vacationed in Portugal, Croatia, Bosnia, Philippines and Australia. Plus an inexpensive 21 day northern European cruise.

We have really enjoyed our adventures traveling and pet sitting. We have cared for incredible pets and met some awesome people in our travels and consider many of them as good friends now.

Your profile looks great to me as it talks about your experiences with a wide variety of animals, experiences and maturity. When we first started applying, the first sit that we were accepted for was over the Christmas/New Years holiday. Many people are looking for sitters during that time and you can consider where you’d like to spend the holidays(assuming you’ll be traveling during that time). We liked the idea of being on the island of Mallorca last year and we will be on the island of Crete for this upcoming holiday season.

Good luck with you travels, enjoy your adventures and perhaps our paths may cross some day in the future.

Dan and Nan


Hi @themobileretiree -

Welcome to the group and the wonderful world of pet & house sitting.
We are UK based and back in September 2020 we did exactly the same.

I had retired and my husband was working from home so we had a crazy idea to give up our permanent address to travel. Within six weeks of initially discussing the idea we had sold or given away everything that we owned that would not fit into two suitcases and were using our first-ever one-way ticket, sitting on a plane heading to Greece.

At the time we had not heard of Trusted housesitters and so were staying exclusively in Airbnb accommodation which we were loving but it was proving to be quite expensive.

In May 2021 we stumbled upon THS. We had never heard of it before but liked the idea so joined to see if, in reality, it was as good as it sounded on paper

From the off, we loved it and in the last two and a half years, as well as multiple sits in the UK have visited Greece, Italy, Spain, New Zealand and are currently on our 37th sit, almost at the end of an amazing three-month stay in Australia. We already have sits booked for later this year in Belgium and The Netherlands.

This nomadic lifestyle comes with challenges but the pros far outweigh the cons.

Good Luck with your new adventure, I’m sure you will love it!


Welcome aboard! My wife and I are newbies here as well and are kinda doing the same thing as you although we are only going to be on the “road” for one year.

Enjoy your sits and your travels!!!


That’s amazing! Sounds pretty much what we are doing!


Awesome! We are discovering that there are quite a few of us doing the whole nomadic retirement thing. I’m thinking of setting up a forum on our website so that we can all share info with each other.


If you’re on facebook, another great resource for traverlers is a page called “Senior Nomads”. It’s full of great information on most any subject of this nomadic travel life we love so much.
Dan and Nan


Hi @themobileretiree,

I am so excited for you two and this next chapter you are on! My husband and I decided to do a similar sort of travel adventure back in 2018 since we both work remote and before I had our daughter. We took advantage of the US tax break (but you must spend ~330 consecutive days outside of the US) to take advantage…but it is certainly worth looking into as it saved us $$$. You might already know about this from your previous years abroad.

We also sold almost everything it felt so freeing…and honestly I prefer owning less “things,” but that’s a lot harder now that we have a toddler. Anyway, very excited for your adventure!


Hello Kelly!

I believe that we will find it liberating as well. So far it has been kind of scary, nerve wracking and exciting all at the same time. 6 1/2 weeks away until we start


I will definitely “like” the Senior Nomads page, thank you!!

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Oh yes the weeks leading up to “launch date” can be quite nerve wracking but excited nerves. Figuring out what items are most essential to pack was my main focus a few weeks before we left. Turns out I needed way less than I thought and we each only had one bag (carry on size) and then a backpack.


I imagine that will be us as well, packing too much although we will try to be careful that way. SUPER excited as we have an interview today for our first potential sitting opportunity!!!


Very exciting! My husband and I spent 2012-4 traveling full-time, then I decided I needed to settle down again. By 2020 I’d had enough non-nomadic life, so we set off again. Both times those weeks leading up to the big send off were exciting beyond words! Enjoy them and enjoy your new adventure. My fingers are crossed that you get that sit :crossed_fingers:

In addition to Senior Nomads you may also want to look into the GoWithLess - Nomadic Life facebook group. That’s a great resource for info, friendship/community, and they actively facilitate traveler meetups. These are both great groups.


And we have been chosen for our first sit in Scotland in July!!! WOOO HOOO!!!


@Bubba14 Congratulations, that’s fantastic news!

Which part of Scotland will you be? :scotland:


HI @Bubba14 congratulations!! :clap:

Where in Scotland, what furry companion(s) will you be with and have you been to Scotland before?


Our sit sill be in Drem, about half an hour outside of Edinburgh.

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