Hi From Vancouver Canada

Hello everyone, I am currently living in Vancouver, Canada and I love pets very much


Hi @custompetart
A big welcome to the forum.
Please enjoy all the contributions made from many of our enthusiastic members, and do add your own personal viewpoint, as this is always appreciated. We like to encourage good discussion on the forum.

I see you are not a member of TrustedHousesitters yet, so when you do join, do add your TrustedHousesitters profile/listing to your forum profile.

We are a community of pet lovers here, so you have found the right place.
Are you looking to sit in the future or to have sitters in your home?

Best wishes
Therese and the forum team.

Moderated - personal advertising links removed in line with forum t & c’s

Hello @custompetart and a belated welcome to the Community Forum :wave:t2::slightly_smiling_face:

As @Therese mentioned you can add your TrustedHousesitters profile to your Forum profile by following the attached link should you wish once you are a member

If you have any further questions please don’t hesitate to ask. :blush:
Are you looking to house sit or will you be looking for house sitters?