Map is much harder to navigate on

I used to use the map feature when searching for sits - I liked the ± icons to zoom in and out on area to search. I just tried searching with the map feature - using a windows browser and find it much harder without the zoom function on the new map from MapTiler. I find I have to go back and restart the search. Can we please have a zoom function on the new map - of if its there, how do I find it?
I understand that using an opensource map may be cheaper for TH management but not good if the sitters loose functionality!


Those buttons are in the upper-left corner of the map.

That’s where they used to be - but with the new screentiler map I don’t see the ±. Just the closw map X. Am I missing something?

When I (a sitter) am logged in on the main page and click on “Find a house sit” on the main page I come to

When the browser window is wide enough, that looks like this:

The map seems to disappear when the window is more narrow.

Looks like you’re seeing the mobile/tablet view. Are you able to expand the width of your browser if you are on a desktop computer?

Alternatively, if you are on a tablet you can pinch to zoom in and out on the map.

Thanks. I’ve got a very wide monitor - when I go to full screen the ± are back. Thanks to both of you for pointing this out to me.

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