Dear Trusted Housesitters web-techy people…
PLEEEEAAASE fix the maps on your website! Is it just me? On Edge, there is a bar across the bottom with sits within the map area… and NO indication where they are! Once you’ve zoomed in on a particular area, there is no way to zoom back out again. You have to ‘x’ it out, which goes back to the listing page, but that is stuck on the sits that were within the map area, and you can’t see anything else. You have to go back to the home page, or your profile page, or some other page, and re-start the entire search.
On Firefox, you can at least zoom the map in & out, but it is very small. Some of the numbers on that map are messed up. Is there one sit in the area, or 20?, can’t tell.
Not everyone wants to search for sits on a teeny tiny phone screen, so I don’t know what the app does. I prefer a computer.
This could be improved a whole lot!
Edited post to remove screenshot of listings including specific locations & dates as per the Community Rules; Only post your own stuff.