Good morning all,
We’ve had great sitters in the past but this year, we haven’t gotten any applications and now we’re into December!
I’ve seen a lot of advice about making the listing “Christmasy” and I’m not quite sure how to do that - Maryland’s weather is so variable that it could be snowy or it could be shirtsleeves weather, and we don’t decorate for Christmas because the cats destroy the decor.
It’s a great opportunity to either visit relatives who live near, or avoid relatives and have a quiet retreat, but not sure how to sell on that. Suggestions? Thoughts?
Edited post to remove listing link and text to comply with the Community Rules.
Hi there,
There’s plenty of help you can receive here on the forum, but for us to see your listing you’ll need to link it to your forum bio. Here’s how:
I actually managed to find your listing (from your profile picture). You have great reviews, and I think they’re the best thing you have going for you in terms of your listing, as they give a lot of details about the house and pets. Here are some ideas to consider:
1: Your cover photo is your living room, which doesn’t do a lot to draw attention & sell your sit. Try a nice image of your home decorated for Christmas, your local area, or your cats all together, for example.
2: The images of your cats mainly show them hiding in corners or under furniture - can you try and include some clearer, brighter images of them when they’re not hiding under things or sleeping? It’s also a good idea to include an image of the couch unfolded & made into a bed, so sitters can see where they’ll be sleeping. Do you also have a yard? If so, sitters would love pictures of this, as well as your laundry, dining room and some more images of the room they’ll be sleeping in (show the wardrobe/clothing space you speak of). Including some images of your local area is a great idea too, especially as you are close to the beach & hiking areas. Most listings show around 25 or more images.
3: Introduction:
Your introduction should not only tell sitters about yourself, but also tell them why they should choose your sit and spend Christmas there. Consider telling sitters how many people you can host (Christmas is a family time for many, can you host a family or couple?) and what your expectations for handover are (when should a sitter arrive?)
4: Home and location
You have some great descriptions, but consider making it relevant to Christmas. Describe:
Will your home be nicely decorated for Christmas (or have decorations available to sitters?)
Why should somebody come to Bowie for Christmas? What is there to do & see in the area at this time of year?
How is the heating in your home?
Do you have streaming services available?
Can you collect sitters from the nearest airport or station?
will sitters need their own car, or can they use yours?
Also consider that many sitters will automatically be put-off by sleeping on a fold out couch, no matter how comfortable it is claimed to be. Is it not possible for them to use your bed? Consider that most other listings offer sitters a full bed, and Christmas is a highly competitive time.
5: Responsibilities
Starting with “we’d like someone to stay in the home” is a given on THS, so isn’t necessary and may make sitters think you want somebody to stay home all day with the cats (which I don’t think is what you mean). Vet visits & feeding etc is also a given responsibility. Instead, be specific about these details; tell sitters:
When are the cats fed? Do they all eat the same food?
where do the cats sleep? Do they wake early?
Are they indoor only cats? If not, how is outdoor access managed?
How often do the litter boxes need cleaning?
Do the cats get along? What are their personalities?
When do your housekeepers come, and for how long? Do they just let themselves in? Will this continue over Christmas?
If there is a possibility that there may be snow, will sitters need to manage snow blowers or clearing the driveway?
All of @Nagy26’s advice is excellent (as ever). The biggest issue is the volume of competition. 85 Christmas sits available in Maryland! Definitely see if you can offer a proper bed and an attention grabbing cover photo @btinternetDC & stronger tag line and then pause and repost your listing and hope for the best. #giveitawhirl
I hate to ask after such an excellent reply, but would you mind checking out my listing as well? I will spend the next while making sure I address the advice you so succinctly laid out to the previous post. Thanks in advance! I think I linked it to my forum profile, but I will also double check that
Hi @debmarst- took a look at your listing for you as an experienced sitter and a few small tips. Generally it’s great and you sound like a lovely warm host so that’s all good. Please change the cover photo of the flow chart though, makes me think you’re bonkers! One of the pooch or the two cats or even the lit up harbour would be much better. Shorten your title slightly so it says “sunny South Cal or SoCal” (before the bike bit) & then the sitter can read the exciting 20 minute cycle to beach info all at first glance. Lose the pillow and pillow case pics as not needed. Slim a few of the repeat cat pics, maybe add a pic of the bikes and the beach and you’re off! Lovely reviews too. #goodtogo
Oh my gosh, that is so crazy. I’m glad you saw this. I was trying to put Christmas pictures in and all the stupid bedding showed up and I deleted them. I can’t believe they’re up there! I’m so embarrassed, but I appreciate your help. OK, I’m on it Geez
Hi @debmarst,
I took a look for you, and I think your listing is fine as is (seems as though you took @cuttlefish great advice on board ). My only suggestion is to try a more striking cover photo - don’t forget that when scrolling through hundreds of sits, all sitters see is a listing’s preview, which consists only of your cover photo and title (as well as your location & dates). To make your listing pop, you’ll want a striking cover photo that draws attention and makes sitters want to click on it. Could you try an image of your Christmas tree? Christmas lights? Your pets all together? A nice shot of your local area?
Thank you so much. I really appreciate you taking the time to look at my listing. I am so reticent to mess with the photos after the last fiasco. I did get such a good laugh out of the whole thing. I shudder to think what people thought that may have been sent an alert of my boosted listing. I don’t have a Christmas tree, but I will look to update the cover photo if I get my nerve back. Thanks again for your helpful advice.
Thanks for the feedback! I’ve linked my listing if others have feedback - I’m not sure I can make these updates in a reasonable time but I’ll try - otherwise I may just try to find a local sitter this year.
When sitters have been sparse for us, I’ve reached out to fairly local sitters who might not have as much experience. Sometimes it’s appealing for a relative newcomer to get some sits under their belts (and reviews!) without having to travel far. I’d suggest looking for sitters who live kind of near you- that way, they can still be near friends/family for the holiday while still doing the sit.
Good luck!
@debmarst I can’t see how many applicants you have because we’ve already got a confirmed sit for your required dates but, my advice would be to decorate for Christmas and use a Christmassy pic for your first listing image.
No matter what the weather is going to be like where you are, for some reason Christmas sits are more attractive (to us) when they suggest some sort of seasonal ambience.
Best of luck with it, and wishing you a very happy Christmas!