Our THS pet-friendly virtual cafe!

Our THS pet-friendly virtual cafe!

I hope you’re all doing well, whether you’re on a sit, off travelling, or perhaps just staying comfy at home.

We’ve decided to create this “virtual cafe” to give our Forum members a place to come and chit-chat about anything and everything that might be a bit “off-topic” (in line with our Community Guidelines of course). It’ll also serve as a nice safe place for new Forum members to pop on and say hello, without diving straight into specific THS topics. If you’re a newbie please come and say hello!

There might be times when you’re on a solo sit, or where you’re travelling on your own, or maybe you’re bored and you just fancy a bit of a chinwag. This is a place where you can check in if you need a bit of company.

We’d love to hear all about your day, or what you’re having for lunch, or maybe you’d like to talk about your holiday plans! You’re even welcome just to come and say “hello”.

So, tell us about how your day is going! What are your weekend plans? What did you have for breakfast?

Just to kick things off, I’m sitting having a lovely emmenthal and smoked ham croissant, and a caramel latte. I’m listening to Radio 6 and loving it! It’s Mum’s birthday soon so I’m taking her card and some flowers over tomorrow.

Hope to chat with you all soon.



Great new topic @Jenny ! I had to look up Emmental as I’d never heard of it (here in the US). It’s Swiss cheese.


Hello @mars - great to hear from you!

Emmental is absolutely lovely, a mild cheese, which complements a nice smoked ham!

How are you doing?


Hi @Jenny Great topic! :slightly_smiling_face:

Hubby & I are just enjoying some yummy sushi :bento::yum:

I hope your mum has a lovely birthday :birthday::balloon::blush:


Does this “cafe” deliver? I could use an extra coffee this morning! :coffee:

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These look delish, @Samox24! Hope you are having a lovely day!

@Lindsay You’ll need to bear with us just for now, while we’re figuring out teleporting, as I’d be happy to bring you a latte once we’ve done that! Other than that, you might have to fend for yourself at the moment! :rofl:


Thank you @Jenny

The desserts were delish too! The mini matcha & dark chocolate cakes are my favourite :two_hearts:


I am BEYOND jealous @Samox24 - I better get to work on that teleport so I can come and steal some of this! :heart_eyes:

I use Emmentaler in fondue — it’s the only thing I “cook,” LOL. It’s a nice mild cheese that combines well with others.

And now I’m craving fondue, LOL.


I LOVE fondue @Maggie8K - do you have any particular recipe you use? I’m craving fondue now as well :rofl:

That’s me popping off for the weekend now, have a lovely one, and I’ll catch up with (hopefully) more replies here on Monday!


@Maggie8K @Jenny I love Fontina and Gruyère cheese in fondue… it’s so yummy! :fondue::yum:


I have a basic recipe, which is why I make it even with no interest in cooking, LOL.

  • 8 ounces of a mild cheese (Pick cheeses you can cube)
  • 8 ounces of a stronger cheese
  • 1/4 cup of flour
  • Slightly less than a bottle of beer (or the equivalent amount in wine or say a pear brandy or kirsch)
  • A gob of roasted garlic or crushed garlic, or a quarter teaspoon of garlic powder (or to your taste)
  • Salt to taste

I’ll add a chopped jalapeño pepper sometimes. Or add red pepper flakes.

  1. Pour beer or alcohol into your fondue pot and start it boiling.
  2. Meanwhile, cube all cheese.
  3. Dump cheese cubes into a gallon-size baggie.
  4. Add dry ingredients and shake the bag so all cheese is coated.
  5. Cube bread. I like a ciabatta or baguette, but you pick.
  6. By the time you do all the above, your beer or alcohol will be coming to a slow boil and it’s ready for you to pour in what’s in the baggie. Do that and start stirring / blending.

Another cheese post: I finally ordered myself a raclette set, after most recently having raclette during a London sit.

Apparently, this one is just fueled by tea lights. If it works, it’s an easy way to enjoy melted cheese, yum!


Hi @Maggie8K what is a gob of garlic? All sorts of visions went through my head when I read your recipe! In Australia, gob is slang for mouth, as in “shut your gob!” A very bogan way of saying shut up. So when I read your recipe I pictured a mouth full of garlic :rofl:

LOL. Purposely vague, because everyone has differing tastes for garlic, so best to decide for yourself and/or guests. Or maybe it’s date night and you want to skip the garlic. Personally, I love garlic, so I consider a whole head of roasted garlic reasonable. Luckily, my husband loves garlic, too.

We used to go to this Mediterranean restaurant in Seattle that unapologetically used a ton of garlic. It had a little row planted outside, labeled as “penicillin.” One time, we got food to-go and unknowingly spilled it in our car when we headed to a movie on a cold night. The sauce seeped into the carpeting and the smell ended up morphing for three years, LOL. We couldn’t get rid of it. Didn’t smell bad, but was ever present.

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That looks to be super swanky sushi @Samox24 (do you like my alliteration?:rofl:)

I’m off to our once a monthly 805 Crop Swap. I’ll be contributing Fuji Apples and Meyer Lemons from my trees.


@ShulasMom they look delicious! :green_apple::lemon:


I lived in Switzerland 21 years ago and Raclett become a favorite especially with veggies.

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