Sitters who've saved my listing

Yes, HOs also can mark favorites with a heart :heart:

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Really? Interesting!

We even can put “labels” to the sitters like “yes”, “possible”, “not suitable”, etc.
And we see who has saved our listing, which actually does make sense, because when you don’t get any or not the right applications you can reach out to them.

Just for clarification for everyone. Homeowners would need to have a standard or premium membership to be able to see which sitters have saved their listing to their favourites.


Uupps, I didn’t know that :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Yes, I mark my favorite sitters with a red :heart:


Hi, i am a HO who had a listing for a sit in June, which I had to cancel for sickness in the family. I had about 50 sitters saving my listing. I now created new dates for September and new sitters are saving my listing, which don’t appear on the top of the previous savings, but randomly somewhere in the middle of the now 50+ savings. It is very confusing and there should be either a way for the HO to delete sitter savings or they should show up on the top. Please let me know if I am doing something wrong or if that problem can be fixed…thanks, Rose

HI Rose I’m sorry to hear about the sickness in your family I do hope that those affected are recovering well … I am going to tag @Therese who will pick this up and help with your concerns when she is back online.

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Hi @Sprocket. You may find this helpful to at least remove those you no longer want as a favourite. I only know of instructions for the app, so hopefully you use that. I switch between the website and app, depending on what I want to do as some things seem easier to do on one than the other.

The instructions for removing a favourite are in the end section.

Thanks Angela, that is very kind of you. Well, my DIL was dianosed with metastasized stage 4 cancer. After 3 months in the hospital she is home, on Chemo every 2nd week and fighting this disease like a lion. We are all very positive and won’t give up hope🙏…Rose


Hi Snowbird,
I think a figured out how to save or delete sitters profiles, my problems are sitters who saved my posting without applying for a sit. I get a notification by email, but they just disappear in between the ones i already had from a previous posting of mine. Angela is trying to see of there is a fix for that.
Thank you fellow Canadian😊

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On the App, if you go to Favourites, Sitters, which will display all the sitters that saved your listing, and you click on the Heart above each profile, you can then ‘unfavourite them’. This way, if there is any profile that you feel would not be a good fit for you, they will no longer receive a notification when you next post dates. They will however be able to see your listing on the general website if they are searching your area.

I hope this helps.
Kind regards

@Therese, I can see that this removes sitters that you’ve favourited but does it also remove ones who have favourited you?

Why would you want to remove someone who has favourited you? I favourite ones where I would like to sit, so that I get notifications of when new dates are listed - I can then see if they fit into my schedule and I can apply. If you removed me, I wouldn’t know when you post new dates and you potentially could find it harder to get applications - and, with many people complaining there are fewer sitters about, it seems to be an odd thing to want to remove potential applicants.


Rose that is so good to hear, our thoughts are with you and hoping that she continues to do well, it must be such a hard time for everyone.


No it does not…i have now 54 sitters who have favoured my listing. 51 of them favoured a listing which was posted in December, 3 of them for my listing for September 2022. Where are the 3 new ones? Hard to tell, because they don’t appear on the top of the list, they sit somewhere in the middle, the end or in between the 54.
From the 54 I had previously saved 4 as favourites, which I can remove from my “Favourites”, but not the ones I did not “save”. They were attached to my listing by the system, because the 54 SITTERS saved MY LISTING.
There should be a way to at least put the new ones on top or date them or give us HO the opportunity to remove the ones which we would not consider suitable. There must be a way to make that system more user-friendly for us Home Owners.
Please correct me, if I am wrong.

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Thanks for getting back to me, but that only works for me for profiles of sitters I have SAVED TO MY FAVOURITES, not for profiles of sitters who SAVED MY LISTING.
Am I doing something wrong?

@Sprocket On the webpage I was aware that there is no order unfortunately, but I will have to check with tech regarding the ordering on the App as well as deleting sitters who have favoured you.
I will come back to you as soon as I hear back next week.
Kind regards

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Thanks, very much appreciated,

One thought, if someone has just saved your sit but has not applied for it, it’s not likely they would accept a sit if you reached out to them now. Most sitters favourite sits that they want to apply for in the future. You’re more likely to have luck inviting sitters who’ve favourited it in the past.