Thanks Kelownagurl, I did not think about that, but the problem still exists because the list can not be organized, so with a few it would be easy to recognize, but with over 50 you have to try to find the new ones by linking their profile picture to the notification picture the homeowner receives when a sitter saves the listing.
I can easily get in touch with sitters who’s profile I have saved as favorites before and see if they would be interested in babysitting my cat, but a whole lot of sitters don’t show their availability by showing the suggested “green” dates. Some scratch out the dates they are not available and leave the rest just open like a calendar. Does that mean they are available?
As you are a sitter, I have a question I don’t know if you have an answer for: quite a few sitters state in their profiles that they own a pet themselves, what are they doing with their own pets when they accept a petsit elsewhere? Just wondering.
Happy Sunday😊
I wanted to follow up, having spoken to our tech team and want to confirm that as a homeowner, you will not be able to ‘unfavourite’ sitters that have saved your listing as this is done on the sitter’s side so this is this under their control. As a homeowner, you can still favour sitters and remove favourite sitters as this will be under your control in your account. Favourite sitters definitely appear in a more systematic form on the App.
Most sitters save your listing if it appeals to them, and believe they will be a good fit for the future as they probably can’t do your current dates, This way they know they will get a notification when you next post dates.
HI There,
I am finding the “Whose saved my lising feature” completely useless and I am wondering if I am missing something?
I have 110 sitters who have saved my listing but it doesn’t have a date of when they saved it and it doesn’t seem to list them in most recently saved order. Also when I get an e-mail that states for example " 2 sitters have saved your listing" when I click on the link it doesn’t take me to those 2 sitters, it takes me to my ‘Whose saved your listing’ - the page with 110 sitters listed and I have to guess who these 2 new sitters are from a tiny profile picture.
Am I missing something here. Surely the purpose of this page is to enable me to reach out directly to the potential house sitter to offer a sit but with no dates on when they added me it feels inapproporiate to reach out to someone from months/years ago who might not even be a sitter anymore.
I just don’t fin this feature useful at all and I thinking that maybe its me and user error?
Thanks for advice
It would indeed be great if these were listed from most recent, even including the date they saved your listing.
@Sunflower, It’s great, though, you have applicants for both your advertised dates. Hopefully you have wonderful applicants to choose from and can finalise your sitters then relax until it’s time to enjoy your holidays.
Hi @Sunflower and @temba I will certainly mention to the tech team regarding the recent order of sitters saving listings as favourites. I think you make a valid point.
@Sunflower You can also set up private dates and invite sitters who have expressed interest in your listing. We also generally find, that when you list your new dates, all those sitters will get an immediate notification, so if they are available for your dates, they will contact you quickly.
Sorry but this is not true… I haven’t gotten a notification in months. My currently booked sits are starting to wane and I want to plan ahead to the late summer/fall and I find it hard to believe that’ NOTHING is coming up from my searches.
Will I know as a sitter if someone has favourited me?
No I don’t think that is an option.
I don’t think I’ve been getting all my notifications either. @MissChef , you may already know this, but make sure you are saving the listings through the app. That’s the only way you’ll get notified. You do not get notifications for listings you saved on the THS website.
@Snowbird , et al, do you know if sitters are able to see which HO have favorited their profile? If so, where can you see this info?
I got notified of a favorited month long cat sit in Peru just yesterday.
Dates don’t match but someone has a great opportunity…
@mars I agree with @Twitcher. As far as I know none of the sitter membership levels have the ability to see if an owner has added them to their favourites list.
@Amparo I did a search and see the listing. It shows the sitter would be sharing the home with another adult for much of the time. I will DM @Therese the listing for follow-up.
Yes this true but some people are ok with that as seen by the excellent reviews.
Adults can and should make their own decisions and arrangements.
I know that’s not a popular forum view but I am fairly certain it happens more than is shared here.
Yes, I did already know, through the app. I was told I have to delete them and restart from scratch. It’s weird how the infrastructure just seems to be crumbling, not to mention how the app and the website seem to have nothing to do with each other except from drawing from the same database… And even that is sketchy!
I would like to remove some sitters who have saved my listing because they are not suitable and just confuse the issue.
I have 100 sitters who have saved my listing, it clearly states we would like 2 people and not suitable for children. 46 of the sitters on the list are single or a family with young children.
Hi @Brodie Unfortunately, as an owner/pet parent, you will be unable to unfavourite sitters who have ‘favoured’ your listing. I would suggest that, should they contact you, you politely ask them to unfavour you because they are a family and you are looking for a couple.
@mars; a sitter only, I save all my favourited listings using the Website and I get very regular notifications of new dates for them via push notifications. I only get email notifications of new listings for my saved searches (also created on the Website).
Well by now the powers that be…
@Debbie-L @Carla @Ben-ProductManager @Angela_L @Therese
…should have read all the correspondence that I’ve forwarded from my email provider’s agent. He says that nothing is wrong on his end.
So I’m posting again here, to see if anyone else is still having problems.
There must be some mistake on TH’s side because I have not received even ONE email with the subject of
“You have new results matching your Saved Search!”
I’ve received nothing since January 18th. and YES – I have set up new searches. I have done everything each of you has suggested.
@MissChef I am tagging our Member Services team as well as IT to initiate some help for you.