Star review system glitch?

Hi, a question for homeowners or moderators…I just finished a repeat sit (number 8) and the homeowner has been filling out all categories as 5-star, but just as she’s about to post her review, it reverts to a 1-star for overall rating (see photo).
This also happened the last time I sat for her and I had to ask support to step in and she had to send them an email.
Anyone know what the problem is?

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@Edith The overall rating Is not a cumulative total of the individual categories.

The overall rating is awarded
first and then afterwards the ratings for each of the categories .

The host should not submit but go back to the start and select 5 stars overall and then rate the individual categories .

If it’s already been submitted and is not as the host intended they can contact member support who will amend it .

If they are selecting 5 stars overall and then it’s reverting to one - they could screenshot the overall rating when they select 5 stars - and send to MS to prove the glitch .

Until now MS says it’s user error -however many members have reported a similar issue so it could be a program glitch rather than user error .


It is a design error in the user interface. And they don’t fix it.


Every “user error” is, in reality, a failure to provide an adequate UX. At some point, one should ask what could be changed in the content (possibly microcopy) or the design if it’s happening frequently.


Thanks very much for responding @Silversitters, @pietkuip, and @Fatamorgana. This is the second time this has happened with the same owner, and she’s quite technically savvy, so I’d say it’s definitely a glitch, so we’ll plod through it best we can. Perhaps THS will fix this down the line. Can you pass this to your tech team @Jenny?

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Hello @Jenny, @Angela_L,

Regarding my original question on this thread, the home owner tried again to review me, giving me five stars in all categories, including overall satisfaction.
The overall rating kept changing to 1-star and she could not fix it, so that’s how it shows now.
I’m not a 1-star sitter and this is driving us both crazy (second time this exact thing has happened).
Can you advise for to fix this with exact steps please?

Host has to contact member services .

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Thanks @Silversitters. Hopefully @Jenny or @Angela_L can forward this to the tech team.

One more thing, do you know the correct email address for member services? It’s not leaping out at me from the website and a search here seems to have shown a couple of variations.



Thank you @meow!

Hi @Edith

I checked this with the team and they’ve advised that there’s no known bugs but that it tends to be a user issue. They explained that the overall rating needs to be filled in first, and then the categories after.

If the member doesn’t fill a rating in for the first question asking how the overall experience was, it will revert to 1 star, even if the others are 5 as it’s not calculated on average input.

I also passed your member details over so that they can double check this is the case for your example.

Jenny :slight_smile:

I don’t really think it’s user error, but it’s fixed now (I thank your support team for that). Thanks for responding, @Jenny.


No worries @Edith I totally understand that there’s a chance it wouldn’t be user error, and it’s good that you raised the issue so that they could check it out :slight_smile: if more people report the same issue then the team can keep taking a closer look at other reasons why it could be happening.


Hi @Jenny. I actually got a note from the support team stating that this IS a known issue. Hopefully, it can be addressed, but till then it’s good users are aware of it.


That’s really good to know @Edith - thank you for keeping me in the loop! I’ll double check what I was advised when I asked, just to make sure we’re all on the same page :slight_smile:

No, this is definitely an error with the system. I’ve had this twice recently

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Definitely not user error