What brought you joy today?

Aw thanks everyone! I absolutely love volunteering at the rescue. Seeing the incredible transformation of some of these animals is truly inspiring. They teach me a lot. I need them just as much as they need me. :green_heart:


This little cutie just joined us for lunch! :heart:


Meeting up with my contemporary dance group ages 67 to 78 putting together a dance piece to perform on stage.


Seeing a mountain bluebird in Yellowstone National Park


This bunch all arrived at our hotel patio this morning hoping for snacks! :sweat_smile:


Super adorable, @Samox24. Where are you?

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Hi @mars I’m in Kent in the UK at the moment as I had to be back for an appointment!


Aw these are the cutest bird pics @Samox24 :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Doing my first shift at the Oxfam (charity organisation) shop in Cardiff, Wales in the UK - it was great to see their wide selection of books & music and the other volunteers are really friendly. I hope to volunteer there 2-3 times a week (half day/4hrs each time) while I’m doing a cat sit in Cardiff.


I’m still in Montana for a pet sit. Today I saw a nesting pair of American Bald Eagles.


Hi @cat.tails thank you for sharing your volunteering work while on your sit in Cardiff … did you find it difficult to join Oxfam (as a transient volunteer) and was the registration process relatively easy? I’m sure there are many other members who volunteer or who would like to, it would be great to hear from other members. I volunteer with the Blue Cross PBSS (Pet Bereavement Support Service) via the phone lines when at “home” via email when I am traveling.

Back to topic, What brought me joy today?

Lovely pet pictures on https://forum.trustedhousesitters.com/t/share-a-smile-whats-the-last-pet-pic-on-your-phone-s-camera-roll especially this one of @Kelly’s boy Zorro … I do have a very soft spot for Springer Spaniels


I completely agree with you @Angela_L @Kelly Zorro is absolutely adorable! … and what a beautiful photo :camera::dog::heart:


The application process to become an Oxfam volunteer is relatively simple. It is done online. You need to provide contact etails fo at least one referee/refercne who is willing to ebcontacted by Oxfam. Application form and info can be found here:

Non-UK residents can volunteer for up to 30 days - best to check your own immigration status and how long you can do volunteer work for.

I think it is better for longer sits. I was doing a 100-day sit earlier this year so I was able to explain to the shops in question that I would be able to volunteer for a 12-14 week period. Shorter sits might be harder for volunteering (depends on the shops in question, if they need temporary volunteers etc). There is some training involved once you are accepted and start. But once you are in the system, you can continue to volunteer with up to a 6 month break between stints.


Thank you for sharing @cat.tails and as @Angela_L said I’m sure there are many other members who would like to volunteer so this is great information :slightly_smiling_face:


Enjoying a stroll in the sunshine at Daylesford in The Cotswolds :sheep::sunny::slightly_smiling_face:


This topic could never get old! Today for me, as is often, it was walking with a sweet dog. Beautiful day, and the Aspen are leafing out. Spring is full of symbols of hope and renewal.


What brought me joy today was presenting at a school assembly with the dog rescue I volunteer with, The Animal Pad. We shared with the children what a dog rescue is and the importance of adopting and fostering. We had several rescue pups join us and we were able to share those dogs stories and use them to help highlight important topics such as resilience, forgiveness, inclusion and diversity.


@J0e looks lovely :heart:

@Julie_A thank you for all the wonderful work you do for https://theanimalpad.org/ :dog::heart:


Education, education, education starting as young as possible.

@Julie_A thank you and your colleagues at TAP you do such amazing work and creating awareness around animal well being and rescue is how we make change … In that school assembly audience there will be another Julie or even more than one, who like you will use their love for animals, passion, dedication and intelligence to help make a difference.

Help animals live their best lives … the way it should be for them all.

Good boy Trooper … you are a canine star :dog: :star:

Many organisations have online resources while important it cannot replace the in person outreach … well done TAP