Hello–I have been on TH for years and love it for cat sitting. Looking forward to interacting with everyone!
Welcome @tortimom to the forum. As this is a world wide organization, it would be a good idea to say exactly where you are as I for one, being in Australia, have no idea what PNW stands for. Keep enjoying looking after those cats!
I tried to but it would not let me. I said Hello from Portland, and they said that was taken, so I was trying to be more creative. Anyway, I’m from Portland. Thanks for asking.
Hi @tortimom and welcome to the forum. Being on a worldwide forum is a geographical learning experience for most of us. It took me quite a while on the forum before I understood PNW, and I live in Canada. I still get confused when people show WA for Washington, USA, as I relate it to Western Australia - quite a difference when you’re looking to travel.
I am often fascinated by how often a place name is used in the world. I searched Portland, just using the THS search option (not google). Five countries came up (Jamaica, UK, and Australia - where it’s in Victoria and New South Wales), and five states in the USA.
Welcome to the forum @tortimom
Hello @tortimom and welcome to the forum
Hello @tortimom ! I’m just starting to look for a sit in Oregon in the fall. Any recommendations on areas? I’m thinking of smaller communities (not a city girl!) and then I can plan to spend a day or two before or after staying in Portland and exploring. I took one of the scenic rides featuring Oregon on my Peloton and fell in love with the waterfalls. I was there once before in Portland proper and did make it over to Multnomah Falls - soooo gorgeous!!
Hi Jane–there are many wonderful smaller communities within Portland. It’s a town more than a city (compared with big cities like San Francisco, Seattle, and Los Angeles) so I don’t think you can go wrong with finding sits here. Since you like waterfalls, I suggest you also look at Troutdale and even Battleground in Washington State. Both are great for waterfall viewing. Just stay away from The Pearl, downtown Portland, and SE Waterfront. Fee free to reach out when you start looking for more info.
Hello! Also new to the forum, also in portland!
Thank you!!!
Hi @tortimom! I just joined as a homeowner here in Portland, Oregon, and am dipping in to the forum to see what it’s about. I just took a first pass at completing my listing (still need to post photos before I can publish it). I’m heartened to see posts from Portland!
Welcome! I think you will find sitters easily as Portland seems to be a destination for a lot of folks.
Fellow Portlandian here – howdy! I think it’s overly broad, though, to advise avoiding the Pearl and downtown . . . some areas are a little sketchy, but that’s true in any town. For the most part things are pretty normal – just a bit less crowded than in the before times. I recently did a sit near Union Station with two sweet little dogs and had no problems with the neighborhood.
Hi @teddypdx. The OP @12Jane21 mentioned that she liked smaller communities, wasn’t a city girl and was enamoured with waterfalls. So, my personal interpretation of that lifestyle was that she wouldn’t much care for The Pearl–not because it isn’t safe, but because it feels more city-like than the communities I mentioned. I happen to be a city girl so I know what appeals to people like me. It was my read of her description and my personal opinion. Nothing to do with crime, or problems with the neighborhoods. You misinterpreted my response to her.
Oh, I see. Thanks for the clarification.
You might look at Bend, Oregon. It’s central on the drier side of the Cascade mountains- hiking, cycling, fishing, skiing- trendy, if you like that sort of thing. There are many wineries/vineyards in the Willamette river valley- Eugene, Salem, Newberg. And the Pacific coast, although I haven’t seen very many sits there.
Reminds me of the anecdote of the American politician who retweeted a post by the government of Western Australia (whose handle is WA Government), thinking that “WA” referred to Washington State here in the USA (WA is the two-letter postal code abbreviation for the state).
Hello! I am also here in Portland Oregon, USA. Brand new to TH and just submitted our first listing. We’re looking for a sitter to care for our two dogs, cat and hens next week. Any advice on how to lock in a sitter with short notice?
Hi @Mkdelaurier Thank you for joining our community forum. You are going to find it is filled with answers to most, if not all, of your questions and enquiries.
My name is Kelly and I am one of the forum moderators, as well as a combined owner/sitter member of TrustedHousesitters, so I have insight into both sides of the memberships. Has anyone favorited your listing yet? Have you used the “Find a Pet Sitter” search function yet? If not, I would start a search and start favoring sitters that fit your criteria and have availability on their calendars (this does take some work but will be useful). We also have the “Last Minute Sit” category which you should submit to ASAP so it can get posted if within the 7 day criteria.
I am hoping this info will help you find your way around the platform and interest you to join in the conversations. It can be a little daunting and confusing at first, so we included this handy guide
How to use our Community Forum | TrustedHousesitters.com
Our members are connecting every day and the forum is a great place where you can get to know one another.
Also, you may want to link your member profile to your forum profile for additional exposure when you are using the forum. To do so just go to How to add a listing or profile link to your FORUM profile
We are always here to help, so please don’t hesitate to message us with any questions or concerns.
Also, can I just ask how you came upon the forum and decided to join? I am always curious as to what drives someone to a certain site.
Have a great day!
Kelly – Forum Team Moderator