I think some HOs would be ok with it, but most won’t want an unknown animal in their home and animal’s space. It won’t be impossible, but it’ll make things much more difficult.
I have been a sitter for about 3 months. We took this grand adventure and left our dog behind with family, but we would love to bring our dog along. How hard would it be to do that? Is it against the rules? I can’t find anything about it. I welcome all feedback both positive and negative.
Hello @renee258 and welcome to the forum. You may want to take a look at these earlier related posts:
Is bringing your own pet on a sit allowed
It’s a good idea to use the spyglass to search key words as it will often take you to your topic of interest.
Thank you, I tried to search it and it didn’t come up. My apologies.
I have two sits lined up for the summer. For both, I am taking my own dog along too. For me, I ask: the HO can only say no, and I am fine with that. I’m lucky that to date, my successful sits have allowed me to bring Brecon along.
Hi there, I’m considering joining as a combined member but wondering if anyone gets house sits while taking their own dog or do you find you aren’t considered because you have your own dog to take?
Hello @AnneandDarcey… welcome to the forum and we hope to be welcoming you also as a member soon. I’ve moved your post here as this is an often asked question and this is a thread with lots of feedback. You’ll see that one of our active forum and THS members @LTD successfully travels with her own pup, Brecon! She might have some good advice for you.
There’s no doubt it is more difficult and there are many things to consider, not least of all socialisation among the pets involved. But it is possible as you’ll see from reading this thread.
All the best and enjoy making connections in the forum.
Vanessa and the forum team
Thank you so much for posting this Vanessa and Team, I’m wondering also if you are allowed to advertise a house swap eg they take their dogs / cats to yours and you take theirs? This may work better? Although I have loads of experience looking after horses, I can advertise that I have this experience?
Hi @AnneandDarcey, house swapping has been discussed and there is a conversation about this very subject House swapping on THS?
When anything else comes to mind that you need information on it’s very likely there is an existing discussion on the forum, using the “Spy Glass” search function will get you in on the conversation …
HI @Chrisnsam. To travel with a pet will definitely limit you but it will not stop you getting sits. You just need to find sits that are happy with this and pets that accept other pets. Our dogs would not tolerate another dog in their space but plenty do. Don’t let it put you off.
As an aside, it is also perhaps wise to think of transmittable diseases. Not all dogs and cats are vaccinated and some things cannot be vaccinated against. For example the fiv that my cat has.
I’m going to do the same as I’ve had an awful experience with this.
Unfortunately we can all be slightly blinkered to our animals behaviors and a sitter saying how perfect and gentle their dog was when it clearly wasn’t on arrival here made for an extremely unpleasant situation.
Their dog was also given preferential treatment to my animals (despite having bitten them and it being their home).
Has anyone ever been cheeky and asked if their dog could come on the house sit too?
Hello @planesick … we’ve moved your question here onto a thread that covers this topic in some depth and I’m sure you’ll get some new feedback.
Has anyone been able to do sits and take their own dog along?
My dog is friendly with other dogs and cats as we have 2 cats at home.
I ask all the time! My own dog comes with me on sits. It’s not being cheeky. I couldn’t housesit without my own dog coming with me.
I housesit with my own dog.
I house sit with my dog. We need to apply to more sits and often hear back no because she comes with me, but I wouldnt do it otherwise.
We are HOs (and sitters) and in our home listing, we clearly state that no other animals are permitted. We feel HOs should be upfront about such things, to be considerate.
Thanks for the links, it’s important for me too.