Our THS pet-friendly virtual cafe!

We finally got around to ordering our Sitter’s Business Cards from Vistaprint today as @Silversitters and @Smiley also mentioned where they got theirs from too! :slightly_smiling_face:


Hello @heidi_tolderlund a belated welcome to the forum. Thank you for dropping into the virtual cafe to introduce yourself. I really enjoyed reading your story. Have you joined up to THS or if you have any questions let us know.

Ambar sounds adorable and I am sure you will connect with some sitters if you and your family want to get away. There are also sitters on the forum who travel as a family if you ever want to try that as well. If you use the spyglass a few are about traveling with children or family-related topics you might find helpful.

Feel free to ask anything on this thread or start a new topic if you have a specific question. I would love to see a photo of Ambar :dog: :heart:


Hi all!

I’m new at THS, I can’t wait to do my first sitting! I’d appreciate any feedback of my profile :slight_smile:

Edited to meet Community Guidelines.


Welcome to the Forum, @Rosario.Blanco! It’s great to have you here.

Have you accepted your first sit yet?


Hi, Jenny. Thanks!

Not yet, I started sending applications yesterday morning. I received one reply for a first video call and one rejection.

I’m super excited. Also, I’d use any piece of advice of experienced members to get ready for my first call! :star_struck:

Good luck @Rosario.Blanco!

Have you thought about starting a new topic to ask our members for some advice? If you prefer I could tag some of our experienced members here and see if they can share some tips!


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Will do! Thanks.

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While enjoying a lovely hazelnut coffee (with beans I grind myself!) I thought I’d share this cute photo of my old gentleman, Walter.

Clearly I’m being audited by the feline supurrvisory board today!


Hello to you all, im new to this site but i am going away at xmas and im terrified to leave my doggie max in kennels and a friend of mine recommended this lovely community so i thought id say hello and have a look around xx


Hello @Mitzey and welcome.

There are tons of topics to search on the forum to learn about THS.

I believe you can create a free account on THS web site and take a look at listings and sits with limitations not being a paid member.

On that same site you can read the member code of conduct and terms & conditions to help you understand the overall concept and commitments from both hosts and sitters.

Good luck.


Delighted to be here. I’m a newbie. Thank you for the warm welcome. Feels like home. Best of the best Happy Sitting All :smiley:


Cheers to a cross-country U.S. trip we just made safely as part of relocating. Many stops at Starbucks and elsewhere in various cities and states along the way. We missed getting mugs in some states, but we have them from previous trips.

In Wyoming, I had a white-knuckle drive in our RV (also known as a caravan) as cross winds hit 55 mph+ in the mountains — the Front Range, part of the Rockies. My husband and I were convoying, with him driving our car.

Even semi trucks were swerving in the gusts and there were repeated freeway signs saying that they might shut access to vehicles with high profiles, because of the risk of turnovers. Luckily, we made it through without incident.

We couldn’t afford delays, because we had to meet movers at the end of our drive, with them dropping off all of our stuff.

Despite our rush, we saw many lovely scenes along the way. We’re major road trippers and are always happy traveling the country. We crossed it in six days. The trucker who drove the moving van was even faster.

It can also be a hairy drive in Oregon, because of the mountains. We saw a semi truck that had rolled over and split open, with all of its cargo wrecked. Hope the trucker was OK.

Our dog rode shotgun with me. He’s a champion road tripper — it wasn’t even his first time crossing the country.


Hi @Maggie8K

Do you mean that Americans also call RV’s ‘caravans’ or was this your American/British translation?

If the latter, Your American/British translation is not quite correct

We call an RV a Campervan, or Motorhome. A caravan for us is what I believe you call a trailer.


As I said, thats American English terminology.

In British English, an RV would never be called a caravan.

I wasn’t trying to use British terminology, but thanks. In the U.S., there’s a huge variety of RVs, because it’s a huge country of road trippers, so I was specifying. But if you say caravan or X out of the blue, many non-RVers won’t know what you mean. Even among RVers there’s confusion or debate.

Along the lines of various forms of English in the U.S., I randomly remembered this:

Different American English Dialects, in 27 Fascinating Maps.

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Welcome to the Forum @BRa082371 - it’s great to have you here! Feel free to tell us more about yourself!

@Maggie8K - glad to hear you made it safely! Your mugs are awesome (I’m an avid mug gatherer!) and I love that your dog is a road tripper too!


Thanks, Jenny!

We started getting the mugs because I’d buy some anyway for a friend who’s an avid collector — she now has hundreds from all over the world.

We’re lucky our rescue dog turned out to be a good road tripper. We first started him off with short trips and worked our way up to cross country. At least in the U.S., many folks road trip with their dogs (and cats). Some with a bunch of them!

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In my younger days, I used to pluck this type of apples from the tree for eating

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